Chapter 1: Off to a great start

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Before continuing on reading this story I want to clarify a few things, first of all English is not my native language so forgive me for poor grammar and overall not having a fully polished writing technique.
The second thing is that this story is indeed set in the Equestria Girls' universe, however it is not an exact replica; this entails that not everything that is canon in the official franchise will necessarily be canon here as well.
That said I hope you will enjoy this story, have fun!
- us.oroshii

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'Deep breaths Twilight, deep breaths!'

Twilight kept repeating these word to herself throughout the whole morning while getting ready for her first day of school; well, to be completely fair, she kept repeating them even the day before. But that doesn't matter, the time has come now and she has to walk past that door, not only because it was time for her to overcome her fears, but also because she was literally blocking the way for every other student who was trying to reach their desk.
Once she realized that her hesitation was starting to draw a bunch of eyes at her direction she quickly snapped back to reality and claimed the first seat available, front row of course.

'First impression is not everything, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't matter!'

And Twilight cared a lot about being percieved as studious and disciplined by her teachers.
Before she realized it everyone was sat and soon after a woman walked in; she had a strong presence but not disgraceful at all, quite the opposite. She hung her bag to the backrest of the chair and then properly placed her books and pens on the desk, ready for the lesson. Everyone was silently watching her every movement waiting for the next one:

"Goodmorning class! As most of you already know I am Mrs. Cheerlee, your literature teacher"

As soon as she finished her sentence a kid from the back interrupter her:

"Oh come on, it's the third year. We did not forget who you are in just three months!"

His tone and expression was both annoyed and bored, some of the other kids giggled while some slightly gasped at his unruliness towards their mentor. But Mrs. Cheelee, keeping her composure, relieved a gentle and disappointed sigh before scolding the boy:

"If you only had given more attention to the world around you, Rufus, you would have noticed that somebody new is joining us this year"

After hearing these words the guy raised his head and began searching for the newcomer throughout the room until his eyes laid on Twilight. A bunch of other students did so as well; they didn't realize her presence too, but they weren't blatant enough to directly challenge the teacher's unusual opening speech like their classmate just did.
Realizing what just happened Rufus let a bitter grin slip through, sank a little more into his hoodie and remained quiet throughout the rest of the conversation, just to make sure he wouldn't be making a fool of himself again the first day of school.

In the meantime Twilight kept her eyes locked on her desk in order to avoid eye contact at all costs, probably because she began feeling her peers staring at her more and more as time went by:

"So, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

Twilight jumped on her seat, straightened her back and began her introduction:

"My name is Twilight Twinkle Sparkle and I come from downtown, I can't wait to meet all of you and be a part of this class!"

The girl's voice was slightly louder than the accepted standard and her brief speech felt heavily rehearsed, both of these things combined lead to many classmates raising an eyebrow in annoyance, without mentioning the few of them who giggled because of her middle name.

Mrs. Cheerlee welcomed her and after that big slip the lesson continued as usual. Twilight had never failed to pay attention to class, but there's always a first time for everything and unfortunately she just couldn't help but overthink about the big embarrassment she had just made of herself a minute before. Some people could say that it wasn't that bad, but they sure wouldn't be able to convince an insecure teen about it.

But Twilight wasn't the only one distracted from the lesson by her own debacle, another girl, sitting in the back, kept thinking to herself:


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