Chapter 3: Welcome committee

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Finally, the second period bell rang and everyone could get up and head to their next class. Of course, Twilight was one of the first ones to leave, but not the very first; after all, she absolutely did not want to draw any more attention by springing up from her chair and sprinting out of the room, even if she actually really wanted to.
She went through the door, stepped to the right just enough to lean on the wall and catch some breath.

'Ok, that was embarrassing as hell. But luckily I get to try another time with the next class, speaking of which: I need to figure out where it is.'

"So, downtown, uh?"

Twilight snapped back to reality and noticed a pair of black boots standing right in front of her. She slowly raised her head and gave a careful look at who was approaching her, everything about her suggested danger but Twilight couldn't help but feel a deep sense of comfort coming from the girl:

"Y-yeah, I just moved here"

Sunset let a slightly pitiful grin slip through, the one you give to a stray puppy:

"You look a little lost. In the past the school used to hold guided tours of the building for new comers, but I guess the times change or something"

In actuality the welcome committee was abolished after Sunset declared herself the leader just to give out maze-like maps with blatantly made up names to spite the principal and torment the poor rookies. But since she is a new person now there's no need to tell the new acquaintance , right?

-Shouts Sunset while wrapping her arm around Twilight's shoulder-
There's nothing to worry about, 'cause now you have me! And it so happens that the Principal has a soft spot for yours truly"

Twilight rose an eyebrow in intrigue, on one hand her skeptical nature led her to doubt every single word that came out of that weirdly overconfident girl's mouth, on the other her knowledge hunger was way too curious to find out the truth behind all this to let it slide. So she played along:

"A 'soft spot' you say?"

"Indeed! We can go to her office right away and ask her to make an exception to the rule, so I can show you the school. What do you think?"

A tour guide would definitely consist in skipping some classes for the day, which is something that Twilight would never do; but after switching schools she made a promise to herself to not be so strict about studying anymore, so she thought that was the perfect opportunity to lay back a bit. Besides, getting to know the building would definitely come in handy in the future:

"Alright then, I'll follow you"

Sunset grabbed her wrist firmly and started sprinting toward the principal's office. Twilight, caught off guard, grabbed her books quickly and pressed them on her chest so none would fall while running, not long after Sunset abruptly stopped in front of a door with a golden plaque, the kind Twilight was really familiar with.

Celestia got startled as soon as she heard the door being slammed open, but was still able to regain her composure just as quickly:

"Miss Shimmer, I hope you are not bringing trouble with you"

Twilight immediately pops out from behind Sunset's back with a worried look on her face:

"Well, that was... unfortunate wording.
Miss Sparkle, it's a pleasure to meet you again, but aren't you two supposed to be in class? Second period has already started a while ago"

Celestia gave an inquisitorial look at Sunset, because although she knew that probably the new girl was not to worry about, she still had some doubts about her former pupil:

"Come on Celestia. We already talked about it, do you think I already gave up? I was going to ask you if it's ok to give a special tour to 'miss Sparkle' here"

'Miss Sparkle' was said in a mocking tone by Sunset, making Twilight glare at her menacingly. Right after, Celestia lets go a conflicted sigh before speaking:

"Fine, I suppose. Your votes from the Crystal Prep were stellar, so I guess skipping a couple lessons today won't hurt as much. On the other hand 'miss Shimmer'
-says Celestia in the same tone used by the girl-
You are not in the position to have a choice"

She crossed her arms with decision. By the look Sunset was giving her, she did not seem happy about neither tasting her own medicine nor being told to go back to class. But as soon as the Principal glanced at Twilight, she was met with a sad and disheartened look. She let her arms fall down and her face sweetened before declaring her final verdict:

"That said, I still want to give you a chance. I always believed in you Sunny, and what better opportunity than this to prove your change of heart?"

Sunset gave a tender smile to her mentor before closing the door behind her; the relationship between the two has never been perfect, but deep down even in the darkest time they there for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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