Chapter 9: The Bloody Halloween

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Valhalla's leader was Mikey. Valhalla was a gang created for Mikey. 12 years ago, on October 31st, the Bloody Halloween, Valhalla took over Toman, and a new Tokyo Manji Gang was created with Valhalla as its parent organization. That's the current Toman now. Toman suffered its first defeat that day. It's Mikey's fault that Toman lost. That day... Why didn't I realize it sooner? Mikey was just a 15-year-old kid with an enormous cross to bear. That day Mikey attacked Kazutora and killed him. Mikey didn't get arrested. Because... Kisaki had prepared him a decoy. Since then Mikey's heart has fallen into darkness. Valhalla took over Toman. With Mikey as the Commander and Tetta Kisaki as the acting Commander, they grew into a huge organization. Thinking back on it now, Kisaki joined Toman because he had his sights set on Mikey from the start. Imagine yourself in Mikey's position. Can you be sure you can stop yourself from killing Kazutora? He is a guy who killed his brother. And on that day... Baji was killed in front of his eyes and Baji's death is the reason why Nana left Toman for good and never came back. As far as I know, after her middle school graduation, she left Shibuya and went to live with some cousins of hers from her father's side of the family. She cut off all sorts of contact with us and that was the last time any of us saw Nana before she disappeared in thin air.

Nana's POV (October 30th, 2005, 8:00 PM) 

"So, Chifuyu and Takemichi came to talk to you this morning, huh?" I asked the long-haired ravenette boy who was sitting right beside me in front of Shinichiro's grave before he simply hummed in response.

"Chifuyu's smart." Keisuke pointed out in a serious tone. "I knew something like this was gonna happen."

"Chifuyu's not smart, he's just perceptive. If he's smart, then I'm Albert Einstein." I countered back with a small smirk and Keisuke rolled his eyes at me in a playful manner.

Ever since Keisuke left Toman and joined Valhalla, it got difficult for me to keep in contact with him, especially talking to him in person because wherever he went he was either accompanied by Kazutora or Hanma or maybe even both of them. The only way was left to talk to Keisuke face-to-face was at school but otherwise, it was either late-night phone calls or text messages. So it was a relief for me that I was able to speak to him in the open like this without anyone noticing or spying on us. On top of that, we were at the cemetery in the nighttime, so the darkness of the night played a huge role in hiding us from the naked eyes of humans.

"But you're right though... Chifuyu, Takemichi, and I went to meet Osanai at his workplace to do some digging on Kisaki." I added.

"What did you find?" Keisuke asked, furrowing his eyebrows a bit and that's when I started to spill everything to him.

"Kisaki was the one who put Osanai in power and using Osanai, he started to instigate everything from behind the curtains. Kisaki was the one who sent his men to beat up Pah's friends and that led Pah to the edge. He used Peh for the conflict on August 3rd and he manipulated Kiyomasa to kill Ken-chan. After that, he approached Manjiro and got to his good side by bashing Osanai, saying that it was all Osanai's fault. And then in the next part, you already know what happened. Kisaki offered a deal to Manjiro regarding Pah and in exchange, he wanted the position of the 3rd Division captain." I went on while Keisuke simply stared at me with wide eyes in shock.

"Kisaki did all of that...?" he trailed off and I nodded my head at him in response.

"Not just that... Kisaki's new partner in crime is Shuji Hanma... Chifuyu and I assume that Kisaki is the one who's leading Valhalla." I added, leaving Keisuke even more shocked. "I mean think about it, Keisuke... No one knows who the Commander of Valhalla is. Hanma is the Vice-Commander and he's working with Kisaki. After everything Kisaki has done up until now, I won't be surprised if he turns out to be the leader of Valhalla as well..."

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