Rainy days☁︎︎

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Demon slayer au
𝕀𝕟𝕠𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧:

It was raining at the butterfly mansion, me and Tanjiro were playing in the rain while Zenitsu was on the porch and just stared at the clouds.

"COME ON ZENITSU!" Tanjiro yelled. "N-NO IM G-GOOD THANKS!" Zenitsu stuttered, it seemed like he didnt like what he saw up in the sky. I looked up only to see dark clouds. "Are you ok Zenitsu?" I asked. "HM!? oh yea just looking at the night sky that's all" he said. I knew he was lying. I walked up to him and hugged him.

"I-inosuke w-hat are you doing!?" I looked down at him and his face was red. It was kinda cute. I covered his ears after I heard lightning. "let's go Tanjiro" I said. I picked Zenitsu up and walked inside with Tanjiro. We went in our room and I placed Zenitsu on my bed.

He laid down on my bed. It's not that he was hurt or anything it's just that he could hear everything. The lightning, the river a few miles away, the birds, anything within 20 miles. (not an actual fact I just couldn't find out how far he can actually hear).

I then gently picked him up and sat him on my lap facing me. "hm?" he looked up at me with a tint of pink on his face. I covered his ears with my hands and laid down. "just relax, the lightning is not going to hurt you" I say.

𝒁𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗:

I blushed, i have never seen Inosuke like this it was weird but also relaxing. I laid my face in his chest and slowly fell asleep.

𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐....

It was morning and the rain had stopped. I got up and walked outside. I picked some flowers and made 11 flower crowns. One for me, Inosuke, kanao, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Genya, Aoi, Muichiro, ans the creepy but cute butterfly triplets. I walked inside to see Nezuko wide awake.

"hello Nezuko! Here!" I handed her a flower crown made of pink tulips. Her eyes sparkled with joy. "MMMM" she yelled. "I'll take that as a thank you" I said walking off. I then saw Kanao and Aoi which I then gave them their flower crowns made of magenta and blue flowers. They thanked me while I went to find Genya.

I finally found him after ten minutes and gave him a purple flower crown. Muichiro was walking by so I placed the teal one on his head. Tanjiro was finally awake so I gave him a red one. Then the triplets came up to me so I handed them their light pink, baby blue, and lime green flower crowns. "Thank you zenitsu!" they said in unison which made my spin shiver. "um your welcome" I patted their heads then went to find Inosuke.

I found him still sleeping in the room so I placed a dark blue flower crown on his night stand. I was about to walk away until. "thanks sunflower..." I blushed, I turn to see Inosuke getting up. "D-did you just call me sunflower!?" I asked. "yea, you look like a sun flower so" he then gets off the bed and takes my crown out of my hands. "hey! That one is m-" I stopped myself. He then places my flower crown on my head and kissed my forehead. He grabbed his crown and left.

After 5-7 minutes of me just staring at the floor trying to process what happened, I left the room to find everyone outside with their flower crowns on. Nezuko was sleeping in the shade with muichiro beside her staring at the sky, genya and tanjiro training, kanao and aoi talking, the triplets playing in the grass, and finally I saw inosuke just sitting on the porch ledge watching all of it.

"hey about what happened, I just wanted to say I like you" Inosuke said. My face was burning red. "I'm guessing tanjiro told you about the feelings you get when your in love" I said.

"yea we talked about it after you fell asleep, Ive been feeling this way since a couple months ago and I just wanted to tell you" he says. I ran up to him and hugged him. "I like you too, boar head!" I said, I kissed his cheek then sat next to him staring at our friends.


736 words

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