◇Accidentally cursing you..

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Harry Potter

Ronald Weasley

Fred Weasley

George Weasley

Oliver Wood

Neville Longbottom

Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory would never purposely hurt anyone, especially not the love of his life. It didn't stop him from feeling guilty of course. He beat himself up for WEEKS after the incident. He was trying a growth spell he had been reading about, made specifically for plants. He was getting impatient and angry with himself and at one point you decided to step in and calm his nerves. He jumped from your sudden appearance and accidentally hit you with a mispronounced spell. Nothing happened at first, however you both went to the medical wing. On the way there your body gave out and you collapsed to the floor of the hallway. Cedric panicked and scooped you up in his arms before running to get medical help. You have been unconscious since then, and he's been visiting every day. Pomprey said you would be fine although he still knows it's all his fault.

Blaise Zabini

He was messing around with his wand while he was standing by Theo and Draco. They were both arguing about something dumb as his thoughts wondered to you, who was sitting nearby with your friends. Your laugh was so beautiful and the way your eyes glowed in the sunlight, it was all simply inviting. Among his thoughts he didn't notice that his friends arguing had gotten a little physical. A shout was heard and Blaise turned his attention back to them just in time. After a few moments Blaise grew irradiated and he pointed his wand at the two, about to cast a simple spell to completely stop both of them before anything started, knocking them out. However Draco bumped into his arm and Blaises spell went barreling towards you instead. When Blaise saw this he rushed to your side, only to see your unconscious  body on the ground as your friends swarmed around you. He tried to shake you awake at first, seeing as that didn't work he then pulled you in to a tight hold as he apologized profusely and ran to the medical wing.

Draco Malfoy

"How do I look?" You asked. He smiled and took a moment to look at the beautiful outfit you had chosen. Suddenly the moment was interrupted by his father bursting into the room. He eyed the both of you with disgust before lecturing Draco for his appearance. Draco had to bite his tongue when Lucious said your outfit was too bright, he desperately wanted to tell him that you were just perfect. Once his father left, Draco whipped around and sat himself on the bed. You attempted to calm him down but that didn't seem to do much as he continued his rambling.
"Sometimes I just want him to shut up forever!" He yelled. Your body went limp and you fell off the bed. Draco looked at you for a moment before kneeling next to you and gently shaking your shoulders.
"Baby?" He called to you. He picked you up and cradled you into his arms while tears fell from his eyes.
"No no no I didn't mean to" He mumbled. He continued to hold you like that until his mother came to check on you both.

Tom Riddle

You both were currently in a heated argument because..well you had forgotten the reason by now. It all seemed so ridiculous. At one point Tom sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, his head had started pounding from all the shouting. When he opened his eyes he saw a male from another dorm peering into the room you both were in. Tom scowled and attempted to shut the door with nonverbal magic. Instead your voice interrupted his thoughts and instead of the door shutting you went flying into the wall behind you. Tom's attention shot to you as he rushed to be by your side. He held you against his chest as he checked your pulse and let out a shaky breaths. He picked you up and laid you on his bed as he made sure you were comfortable and safe. Once you wake up he is sure to apologize and explain that he hadn't meant to, he would never purposely hurt you. You quickly forgave and forgot as you both knew he wouldn't ever hurt you on purpose.

Newt Scammander

You and Newt had gone on a vacation to an island. You both had seen so many animals and had so much fun that you wouldn't of guessed anything bad could happen. You and Newt decided to end the vacation by watching the sunset in a littlegrassy area. After the sun had officially set Newt helped you up and began packing away your items. While you were picking up stray items you noticed Newt had disappeared. After a little investigation you found Newt trying to calm down an animal. You decided to stay back to not get in the way. Newt began getting angry at the animals lack of cooperation with him.
"Newt!" You yelled as the animal made a somewhat hostile approach to him. Newts head shot behind him and gestured fir yiu to stay still.
"I've got this love just stay back" The more he tried the more you became worried. You yell his name again and he turned to you with unintentional anger. Wand in hand, he accidentally sent a spell flying at you. He ran for your body and felt guilt ride his spine. He held you close as the animal ran past you both in a hurry. Newt began crying and rocking you both back and forth. Help was miles away and he didn't even know what spell he used on you, panic was the only thing he felt.

Mattheo Riddle

After a long discussion you both agreed to meet after hours by the Slytherin entrance. After meeting you exchanged a few flirtatious words and a kiss before going hand in hand to the Whomping Willow. Mattheo had said the view of the moon was beautiful from there. As you made your way down the hallway Mattheo heard something instead of your own footsteps. He stopped abruptly to listen again. You looked at him in confusion.
"Mattheo-" He only held up his free hand and continued to listen. After a good minute or two you piped up again.
"Mattheo what-" He quickly turned to you.
"Be quiet!" He whispered shouted. You went to apologize when you found your voice was caught in your throat. There stood Snape, staring at you both. You had been caught. Now you both were in detention the next day after going to the head masters room. Draco Malfoy had ratted you both out after overhearing your discussion. As Snape stepped out for a moment Mattheo began his angry ranting.
"I can't believe he ratted us out! That fucking weasel- the next time I see him I'll kill him" He was talking with his hands at this point. You stood up to calm him down but suddenly a chair went flying at you. You couldn't move in time as the chair hit you and your world turned black. When Mattheo saw what he had done with his nonverbal magic he panicked. He picked up your warm body and sprinted to the medical wing. The scar that formed on your forehead would forever remind him what he had done out if anger, the guilt would eat him whenever he saw it. Though you forgave him so long ago he just wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

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