◇Oblivious to your dyed hair..

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♤ Harry Potter ♤

The moment he noticed the difference from your roots to what he thought was your natural hair, he's intrigued. He wonders what you look like without the dye. He wants to see it, whether it be due to letting it grow out or looking at old photos. He would be happy either way. And, to be honest, I feel as if it would take him a while to notice. He loves the way you look, and he does stare at you a lot (although he would never admit it), but your hair isn't something he pays attention to. The way your lips move to form every word, or maybe the lovely voice that accompanies these words, sure. But not your hair. He only really noticed when the roots grew a finger length long. To top it off, I'm sorry to say, but sometimes he does neglect you when he's stressed. Whether it be due to the dangers that follow him around or school work that needs to be done. But once he does see these details, he will definitely ask you about it. He'll happily sit and listen to you talk about your hair dye and may even help you with it I the future.

♤ Ronald Weasley ♤

Believe it or not, I do think he would notice your smaller details first. Like the look in your eyes when you talk about something you love or the way your lips twitch up at his obviously-not-funny-but-kinda-
funny-joke. I believe he ruffles your hair a lot when he sees you, so that's when he first notices the roots beginning to grow. He asks you about it, claiming that he was genuinely curious about why you dyed your hair. Whatever reason there was, he listens close. From then on (and until you may dye it again), he rubs his fingers through your hair way more often. He just finds it so lovely, it gives you another characteristic to love. Knowing Ronald, you expected him to ask for you to dye his hair one day, and he eventually did. The day he walked in on your redying hair, he begged for you to dye at least one strip of his own hair. Afterwards, he will absolutely flont the look off to everyone, claiming that it helps show off that you belong to one another. Luckily, even if it ends up looking bad, he truly loves it.

♤ Fred Weasley ♤

Fred wasn't completely oblivious. He noticed there was something different about you, but he couldn't place his finger on it. Honestly, he thinks about it forever. It really rubbed him the wrong way. What in the world had changed about you - and why couldn't he figure it out!? All of his worries ceased when you came to him one day, a box of dye in one hand and a towel in the other, asking for his help. Recently, you had gotten into a minor inconvenience, and now your shoulder was killing you. You needed help, and Fred was your first option. You knew he was going to tease you to the ends of the earth and maybe even convince you to dye his own hair (which obviously you said no to, his red hair looked amazing and you didn't want to change it). During the process, he was actually very precise and did his best. It turned out wonderful. He doesn't understand why you keep your natural hair hidden away, but it's what you want. If you're happy and healthy, then he's fine with whatever you do. Just don't go dying your hair because you're insecure about such things.

♤ George Weasley ♤

The day he found out you dyed your hair was the day he had gone with you into the muggle realm for the first time. The day was meant for you. You decided to get your license, even if you didn't necessarily need it. George was there simply as your support and comfort. Of course, he couldn't support you with anything other than emotional help. He had no idea how this whole thing worked. After you had taken the test, passed, and gotten a celebratory kiss from George, you decided it was time to tell the woman all the details needed for the license. By the time she asked about hair color, you blew George's mind. "What do you mean it's not- wait, what!? That's not your natural color? And you never told me?" He would ask. It was mostly joking, but he couldn't deny some disbelief in his tone. How had he never noticed this? After leaving the dmv, he would bombard you with questions, which after they were answered, he would proceed to tease you. Claiming that he wouldn't recognize you without this color now. You will always have to dye it this color, even with grey hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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