The house on Neibolt Street

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We followed Bill to his garage because he wanted to show us something -which I have no fucking idea what since I was paying no attention at all- and did what Bill told us to.

Eddie and Richie turned on the projector, 

Stan, Beverly and I were putting curtains in front of the windows, 

Bill was pinning a map on the wall that was facing the projector, 

Mike closed the garage door,

Ben took a slide out of his backpack and handed it to Bill who then put it in the projector,

and then we all took our places.

I stood between Richie and Stan, with Mike standing right next to me, focusing on the map of Derry pinned on the wall in front of us. 

"Look," Bill pointed at the map, so we would pay attention, before continuing. "That's where G-G-Georgie disappeared. There's the Ironworks. And The Black Spot." I fixed my sight to the places Bill was mentioning.

"Everywhere it happens, it's- it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at the-"

"The well house" Ben cut him off.

Hold on a fucking second.

You have to be fucking kidding me.

Please don't tell me it's the house on-

"It's in the house on Neibolt Street." 

Oh for fucks sake!



Hell no, I'm not doing that shit. 

I wasn't built for this. 

For any of this. 

"You mean that creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie looked at Bill in disbelief while Eddie started having an asthma attack.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. My heart was pounding like I had just run a marathon and I felt like it too. 

"I hate that place. It always feels like it's watching me." Beverly added.

My breathing got even faster and I realized how close to having a panic attack I was. 

Calm down, it'll be okay, you're fine, you are just fine.

I kept telling myself but it did nothing. 

"That's where I saw it, that's where I saw the clown." Eddie breathed out and in again. He was shaking. We both were. 

"T-T-Tha-That's where it lives." Bill replied. Eddie took another deep breath from his inhaler, obviously uncomfortable

"I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there-" Stan said, his voice shaking. Eddie quickly got up and raised his voice.  

"Can we stop talking about this? I-I-I can barely breathe. This is summer, we're kids. I can barely breathe. I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack, I'm not doing this! Look at Y/n! She's this close to fucking passing out here. Does any of you even care?!" He yelled, grabbed the map and tore it from the wall. 

"What the hell, put the map back!" Bill told him but Eddie shook his head. "mm-mmm"

My head started to hurt like shit again and my fast breathing didn't stop either. My heart was still pounding like it was about to explode.

Sassy but classy||Richie Toizer x (fem!)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now