Chapter one

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"Emma" said our substitute teacher, Mrs. Headmen, she was taking attendance.
Emma sighed loudly "Here" her friends giggled and Mrs. Headmen rolled her eyes.
"Ben" said Mrs. Headmen
"Here" said Ben.
She looked at the list again, with a puzzled look on her face. "Lydia" she said with the same face on. Puzzled.
"Actually, it's Lightia" I said. Yes that's my name Lightia. On my name tag on my desk it even has how you pronounce it "LIGHT-e-ah" It's kind of embarrassing, to have people stumble over your name like they would a tree branch.
"Really? Lightia?"
She said, so focused on my name she didn't even yell 'hay' when Jordan spit a wad of paper at one of Emma's little friends, Christy.
"The things people name name their kids these days......" She mumbled under her breath.

Why my names so weird is because I was named in a different dimension. When I was three my parents invented a dimension traveler to get away from the bad of the dimension of Andd. So many of the bad people hate us that my parents said it was the right thing to do. Of course we still travel to Andd, we are one of the most powerful families in Andd, the traveler will only go to the normal world and Andd.

Mrs. Headmen continued with saying and checking the classes names off. I didn't listen anymore and started drawing lightning bolts, on my notebook that was my power, lightning and electricity. My friend Anna leaned over and stared down at it. "You like weather and stuff?" She said "No" I slapped my notebook shut. And like the teacher saying my name, she was puzzled.

After lunch we went outside for recess. Anna asked me if I wanted to play with her at lunch so I did, we went to the swings and we talked.
"You should come to the park tonight. But I can't go this week........." She said.
"What day is today?" I asked.
"Friday, why?" She said. Puzzled.
"Oh, I-I can't" I mumbled. Every weekend we went to Andd, 'To save our fellow heroes!' my mom always said in a deep voice when I asked her why we go to Andd so much.
"You are always gone, or say 'I can't'. or something. It's silly." She said shaking her head slowly.
"I'm sorry it's just my grandmas really sick" I looked down at my shoes "With Nikes" I lied
" Sorry abo....."
The bell rang telling us to go inside to class.

The rest of the was normal, with out Anna asking me anymore questions about the weekend. Later I walked home from school once I got home mom and my dad were cleaning up the house before we left. "Lock the door behind you" My mom said. "Ok" I said shutting the door slowly and turning the knob.
Mom stranded up and said "Ok let's go"

We went to the kitchen. Mom went by the sink and opens the cabinets under it. She lifts up a can labeled "Cleaning Wipes" and turns it over she types the password vary carefully and slowly "892390". There's a long silence and with a large burst of air and then a burst of air, like the one before but softer a blue outline of a small door starts forming. I know what mom worries about, like right now she's worried that the traveler won't work. And sometimes when we're in Andd she worries that we will be stuck in Andd forever. Honestly I don't know why she worries about being stuck in modern world, I mean it wouldn't be bad the normal world is fine really.
"Why is this taking so long?" Mom said with a worried look on her face.
"Calm down, it will work soon" dad said
Mom gave dad a upset look and he looked down at his shoes, bored.
All of a sudden the blue door that was forming burst open. There was an glowing blue wall, were the door was. On the left sideways a code typed and then my dad typed in the password this time, a little more carefree than mom. Away went the shiny wall and then came a well lighted hallway.

We all climbed in to the cabinet and and went to the hallway. The hallway its self was vary boring, only having white walls a white floor and ceiling. We walked for about eighteen minute until we got to a vary large a open room.

The room was also boring like the hallway, except it had metal walls, and ceiling, with small x's every inch or two. And the floor was dark stone, or it could be a light color it was hard to tell because the room was so dimly lighted. My mom said that this was the only place separating Andd from our own world. The room was split in two with blue lasers on the walls and on the ceiling, I looked down at my tennis shoes, and moved my left foot swiftly.
My mom taped my shoulder "Stop it" she said.
"Its time to go" she said madly.
I rolled my eyes. "Ok, ok" I said a little a little to loudly.
"Watch it" my father said, plainly annoyed with me.
To be an even more annoying child, I mocked his words 'watch it!' But luckily none of them noticed.

We all walked to the line where the bright, blue, lasers would scan us. All of a sudden an annoying, robot-like, voice echoed tough the room.
"You are being scanned." Said the voice
" Well, thanks for pointing out the obvious!" I said in a small whisper like voice. Mom and dad glared at at me so hard, I might've had to check if my eyes were still there.
"The persons standing in this room are............ Lights Jones" that was my mom, Lights. I kind of like her name. If, of course we always lived in Andd.
"Eric Jones" my father had to change his name when we left Andd, because it was something like Enorka, talk about a nerd name!
"Lightia Jones" It said lastly. I smiled, I don't love my name, but I don't hate up it ether.

Next it put on our clothes and armer for Andd. All three of us had the same color of outfit on, black, yellow and light gray metal. The little lasers put on our clothes in one second, its pretty awesome. My outfit is awesome too, under everything I have on black shorts and a shirt that goes to my elbows, they are connected to each other also on top there is a large armer, that covers my whole body. And on the part that protects my shoulders there is a small, yellow graphic of a lightning bolt. My parents have pretty much the same outfit as me.
The lasers let us past, after five more times of scanning us ' To make sure we were the Jones' I guess.

West of us there was yet anther boring white hallway, we walked the eighteen minutes and then we came to a full sized door.
Mom slowly put her hand on the knob.
Than she asked a question that was never answered "Are you ready"

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