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(Chapter 11)Our King

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(Chapter 11)
Our King

"Normal" - Human's tongue
"Dragonese" - Dragon's tongue


Author POV

"Because my King is here"

That simple statement had the dragon's in awe. 

"Taehyung" a human came rushing across the grass. 

Their attention was immediately upon the small human, he seemed so puny to anyone who looked. But deep inside him he held a heart of a dragon, a heart that would free them all and rule as a fair and just King. 

The true King, not the fraud who sat upon the gilded throne of human creation.

"What do you think you are doing?" one of the riders, a large burly woman. One of the King's chosen, came up to them.

"Sorry sir" Jimin dipped his head in apology.

"Your dragon is not restrained, do you not realise how dangerous that is child?" the woman reprimanded him. 

She was gruff in the way she spoke, and she had muscles to rival that of the other riders. She raised a hand up and the silver dragon dipped its head to allow her to rest her hand against it.

"He won't harm anyone" Jimin promised, Taehyung not liking the situation had come to crouch beside Jimin, a hand coming to grip the trousers of the human.

The woman looked down to the cowering dragon who sought comfort from his human. He did indeed look pathetic, well that was what Taehyung wanted her to believe. He played the scared dragon and her eyes drifted away from him unimpressed. 

"How do you know he won't shift here right now and attack everyone" she stood before Jimin, she was taller than him and each of her biceps looked like they could crush his head. 

"Because Taehyung wouldn't do that" Jimin stood his ground, looking up into her eyes in defiance. 

"Humans Taehyung's friends, no hurt" Taehyung whined out, in the human tongue.

It certainly caught the rider off guard. The humans knew that dragons could speak their tongue but they rarely did. 

"Why are they your friends?" the woman directed her question to Taehyung.

The dragon reached up to scratch the base of his horns, shifting from foot to foot, tail swishing to show how nervous he was.

"Cause they Jimin's friends, so they Taehyung's friends" The dragon sent a completely besotted look to his human. 

The woman could barely hold back her surprise, never had she seen such a devoted dragon to their human master. Her own dragon had taken years to tame and near losses of limbs along the way. She still felt like sometimes she couldn't turn her back on the great silver beast.

"Are you a rider?" Jimin asked.

"I am" the woman confirmed.

"What would I have to do to become a dragon rider?" Jimin asked.

And just like that she liked the boy, he had spunk. With rebellious defiance and a strong sense of justice, wanting to protect. 

"You train a dragon and you show us what you can do" She leant down, an attempt to intimidate the child, but he remained unbothered. Well at least on the outside he did, internally his heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Can he fully shift?" the woman pointed at Taehyung, despite talking to him moments ago she dismissed his ability to answer, a typical human thing when they view something as lesser than themselves.

"Yes" Jimin responded curtly. 

"Do it" the woman turned her commanding voice to Taehyung. 

The dragon did not obey, he looked to Jimin, he was his human not her. 

"Why does he need to shift?" Jimin inquired.

"You want to be a rider right?" she asked, leaning back to rest her hands on her hips in a matter of fact sort of way.

"Yes" Jimin nodded.

"Then as the leader of this rider pack, I'm going to assess whether he can be a rideable dragon" she gave a snarky response.

Jimin didn't like it, but he turned to Taehyung. Taehyung was more happy to obey his human.

Taehyung made a careful distance between him and the humans, not wanting to harm any one in the process of shifting, that already got him points of approval, something he was unaware of. 

Jimin hadn't ever seen a dragon shift, aside from when Taehyung went from full shift to half shift. Taehyung gave him a wobbly smile, and then that disappeared. His body morphing in a smooth way, till he was at full shift. Where the dragon he knew an loved was now a large purple scaled dragon.

Since the last time Jimin had seen Taehyung in full shift was in the dead of night, he could now appreciate the beauty of the dragon. His scales were a deep midnight purple, leading up to yellow horns and equally yellow eyes, almost like lightning. There was a runic symbol carved into the scales upon the dragon's forehead when Taehyung dropped down to receive pets to his snout from his human. 

"Well done" Jimin praised, Taehyung made a purring sound, much like he did when he received head scratches in his more humanoid form. 

The woman couldn't help but look up in awe at the dragon, he was certainly a beauty. He was almost a big as the dragon's her riders rode. And if his humanoid form suggested anything he was yet to grow more. He seemed to be a child dragon and that in itself was rare, they were usually confined to nests for safety from the humans. So why this one was here was a mystery. The human handling him seemed far from a noble so that was out of the reasons. 

The moment was broken when Taehyung shrank back down into his humanoid form, he didn't like all the attention on him. The people waiting in the queue were looking at him mouths agape, some were probably questioning why they were even trying to get into the city where dragons could be found.

"Impressive, how would you like to join the riding training programme. Provided you have knights training that is, no point in being a rider if you can't fight" The woman offered.

"I've only just been accepted to become a knights apprentice" Jimin looked over to where the knights pack was. 

"Cadel, good man. Well train under him, when you are ready come to me. I will take you under my wing." She smiled, it was a brutal smile with the scars littering her face.

"I will" Jimin dipped his head, taking Taehyung's hand.

"I'm Aife Halder, remember it kid" 


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