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(Chapter 18)The presence of a King

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(Chapter 18)
The presence of a King

"Normal" - human tongue

"Dragonese" Dragon tongue


Author POV

Jimin moved his body in time with the way Taehyung slinked through the sky, he was a big dragon, not yet fully grown, but he was skinny not like the other dragons he saw in the training facility. He wondered whether that was due to Taehyung being younger, or perhaps it was because he was raised in a different environment.

Taehyung seemed anxious about something, but when Jimin looked around he could see nothing, but he directed Taehyung to move faster, to which the dragon complied, beginning to move his wings faster, picking up the face. The wind rushing past Jimin's face as he hunkered down hiding behind Taehyung's scaled neck as a form of wind barrier.

Taehyung dived down and glided out, his head turning from side to side to see what was putting him on edge, it would seem he deliberately took himself out of the clouds so that whatever was following would have to do the same if they wished to keep stalking the young dragon.

Normally Taehyung would fight back using his electric gift, but since he had Jimin riding on his back he was trying to avoid that outcome no matter what. Fortunately it seemed that whatever was setting Taehyung on edge didn't emerge from the clouds.

So they continued on, though Taehyung picked up speed in the process.


The dragons remained within the clouds, out of sight of the young chosen dragon. They merely observed the pair, the way Taehyung flew confidently and the rider trusted him.

They continued to fly above, but when they saw the capital in the distance they immediately froze. No dragon would willingly want to go there.

"Our King" was the whimper that passed through the minds of every dragon as they passed over the walls of the capital.

"You don't think he is working for the false king do you?" a dragon's voice trembled as he addressed the other dragons hovering in the sky, their eyes still upon the capital where their king and chosen had disappeared out of sight.

"He wouldn't" the voice was firm as the dragon spoke, but internally their mind wavered as all the dragon's around them did.


Jimin and Taehyung landed safely within the training grounds. Jimin couldn't shake the uneasy feeling building in his chest. His eyes searched the clouds above him, as if the answer would write itself across the sky in bold ink. Unfortunately it did not, so Jimin was left to trail after Taehyung the confusing emotion locked in his chest.

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