Chapter 8: Stand for Yourself

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Another strange dream?
Was all Yuu thought when she found herself in a courtroom with blue and red card soldiers filling the galleries. The Blonde girl in a blue dress that Yuu remembered seeing in her dreams was now a giant standing in the center of the court on the podium! The Queen had shrunk in her her judge's seat, looking up at the young giant girl with big eyes. The 'said blonde looked down at the Queen defiantly with a hand on her hip and waved a finger as she rebelled, "And as for you, Your Majesty... 'Your Majesty,' indeed! Why, you're not a queen. You're just a fat, pompous, bad-tempered old ty..."
Her confidence slowly faded as she found herself shrinking down as she finished her sentence, "tyrant..."
Seeing as the tables have turned, the tyrannical Queen chuckled as she looked back down at the no-longer-confident girl, "Mmhmmhmmhmmhmm... What were you saying, my dear?"
Suddenly, a purple-striped cat with a wide grin suddenly made an appearance, sitting atop the Queen's head. Mischief sparked in his eyes as he answered much to the girl's horror, "Well, she simply said that you're a fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrant! Hahahaha!"
At that, the Queen yelled,

"OOOOOOOOOFF with her head!"

"Ooooooooh!" The cards yelled in alarm as the King who sat next to the Queen urged, "You heard what Her Majesty said! Off with her head!"
The card soldiers jumped out of their seats, surrounding the poor frightened girl as if they were being pulled into a tornado. Yuu looked back at the Queen as her face turned red as roses as she repeated the demand of the girl's decapitation. All Yuu could do was look on in horror.

If only someone had stopped her before it came to this...

Even if this was a dream, Yuu wanted to rush to her and grab her hand and get her out of there! No one deserves this! But as soon as Yuu reached out to her to do so, the dream faded to black, and she found herself sitting up from her bed, her arm outstretched. She panted as if she had just ran a marathon. Taking deep breathes, Yuu wiped at her brow, alarmed to find herself in a cold sweat.

-Yuu's Bedroom-

Yuu saw the soft blue glow of Grim's ear fire as he laid on the foot of her bed, tossing and turning, like he were trying to make himself comfortable with the magic-restraining collar around his neck, even in his sleep. She then felt the sensation of cool skin nudging her side, and looked down at Sobble, who looked worried by her sudden awakening. Smiling at the water lizard Pokémon, she gently petted his yellow fin on the top of his head as she whispered, "I'm fine sweetie. Now go back to sleep."

After Sobble went back to curling up against her, Yuu laid her head back down on her stiff pillow. As she stared at the ceiling, she thought back to her dream. It's a bit silly to worry about something over a dream, but she couldn't help but think... She had only seen those people in her dreams and yet the situation they were in felt too familiar for comfort.

The rest of the night was sleepless. Yuu blinked her tired eyes open as streams of morning light, peeking through the boards on the windows. She couldn't help but dwell on the feeling of helplessness she felt, not being able to that young girl from being treated like a criminal. She thought of ways she could've helped. Such as giving that tyrant if a queen a peace of her mind, or have Zoroark use his illusions to help the girl escape. But instead, it felt like she was bound and gagged. Of course I was, it was nothing more than a dream! Part of her was tempted to fetch Kricketune to help force her to catch some z's, but he needed rest just like everyone else. To make matters worse, a certain ball of fur pounced onto her stomach. "Oof!" So much for a good night's rest...

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