﹎ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 ﹎

─ 𝙼𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅 ─
─ 2 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚘

was getting ready in hair and makeup to shoot the last scene of the day, which was the scene where my character tries getting away from Ethan's character when he kidnaps my character. We've already filmed everything else.

"Alright, we are all done" Linda my hair and makeup person says before giving me a hug to which i return "i'm gonna miss you kiddo" she said rubbing my back "i'm gonna miss you too" i said as we pulled away and smiled at each other before i got up to head to set.

When i got there, i saw Mason, Maddie, Miguel, Tristan, Brady, Becca and Jacob all there and still in costume but with robe's on.

"There she is" Maddie said as i walked up to them as they were waiting for Ethan and i, i finished first in hair and makeup.

"Are you ready to run for your life" Mason said as we did our little handshake.

Mason and i have known each other since we were five years old and i see him as a brother just like how he sees me as a sister, we do everything together.

We got the idea to audition together and i went for the role of Gwen but instead i got his characters love interest. I tell him everything and he tells me everything, he told me he had a crush on our best friend Lucy in fourth grade and he still does, i told him i had a crush on Miguel a couple months in filming the movie and i still do. We never keep secrets from each other.

"Of course. I've always wanted to be chased by a man in a mask in the middle of the night" i said sarcastically then hugged Maddie, Becca and the guys.

So basically, my character finds out that the grabber is her neighbor and tries to find where he keeps his victims, but gets caught and tries to run only to get kidnapped as well ─ after putting up a good fight ─ and ends up killing the grabber with Finney ─ Mason's character ─ then happily-ish ever after i guess.

"That's the spirit" i heard a voice behind me and when i turned it was Ethan in his costume, with was regular clothes with that creepy ass mask.

"You ready to go" he said to which i nodded and we all joined the camera man on the set which was a random street.

"Alright, Ethan and Milana get in position" the director said to which we listened and got in position.

"And. Action!" when i heard those words, i started running as fast as i could with the camera following in front of me as Ethan chased me.

We kept running until he tackled me but i 'kicked' him in the balls then 'punched' him until he got off of me then i started running again but this time the camera was behind me.

I got tackled again but this time i 'couldn't' move so he pulled out a 'knife' to my neck " you try to do anything else and i'll kill you right here right now" he said in his grabber voice. I kept quiet because i didn't wanna 'die'.

" nighty night, naughty girl" he said before he 'punched' the daylights out of me.

"Cut! And that's a wrap everybody!" the director said making the whole crow clap and Ethan took of his mask and helped me up "you okay?" he asked giving me a side hug "yeah" i said chuckling and hugged him back "that was a great shot guys!" the director said as we began to walk to everyone else and when we got there they all started clapping.

"Good job everyone, it has been a great journey working on this incredible movie with all of you and you all did amazing and i can't wait to see the end results" the director said and we all clapped again.

We all then went to our trailers to get the makeup off and put our normal clothes on and Maddie, Mason, Becca, Miguel, Brady, Tristan, Jacob and i were gonna hang out in Mason's trailer one last time before we had to leave set.

━━━ •˚📞♡🌃∿ ━━━

I put on my grey sweat pants and Miguel's white hoodie i stole from him a couple weeks ago with my white crocks then left my trailer and headed to Mason's which was only two trailers down.

"Knock knock, bitch" i said as i dramatically entered the trailer to find everyone already there "why say knock knock if your just gonna enter without knocking" Brady said holding a bowl of popcorn. Guess we're watching a movie.

"Because she always says she wants to make an entrance" Miguel and chuckling at my dramaticness with made my cheeks heat up.

I went and sat in between Madeleine and Miguel "so, what are we watching peeps" i said stealing some popcorn from Maddie "do not say peeps again Ana" Mason said shaking his head at me "why not" i asked slightly frowning "because you sound bizarre" Jacob said this time "yeah well, you can both disrespectfuly shut the fuck up" i said flipping both of them off only for Miguel to pull my hand down before shaking his head at us in amusement.

"Anyways, we still need to pick a movie and we can't sleep late cause we have flights to catch" Tristan said, he has always been the mom of the group, him and Brady since they were the oldest.

I thought for a second before dramatically gasping "LET'S WATCH A BARBIE MOVIE" i yelled making everyone jump a little "YES, an og one thought cause the ones nowdays are bad" Becca said making both Madeline and i nod.

"NO" the boys said "why not" Madeline asked "because we've already watched half of the Barbie movies cause of y'all, i'm tired of it" Brady responded making the other guys nod.

"Be a man and suck it up Hepner" i said making everyone laugh except Brady who just flipped me off.

"But for real though can we watch something else" Miguel said making eye contact with me. Oh boy.  "yeah, sure" i said softer compared to what i sounded like five seconds ago.

Which made Brady's jaw drop "how come when i ask to watch something else you say no but when it's Miguel asking you say yes?" he said in a tone of disbelief "because i find you annoying, simple as that" i said "no, your just whip─" he started only to get cut of by Mason, Becca, Maddie and i throwing our pillows at him, making him fall backwards.

We all started laughing when he glared at us but he joined in a couple seconds later. I'm gonna miss these idiots.


and chapter one is done!!

𝙰𝙻𝙻 𝙾𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈 𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂 ↝ miguel cazarez mora Where stories live. Discover now