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Story One: Samantha, 25

Despite the looting I managed to stay safe in my home since the looting was mostly isolated to the city.

Unfortunately, I ran out of food a couple of days ago, I've been hesitant to go outside since the lights went out. But the gnawing in my stomach is telling me I have to

I grab my crowbar, grip the front doorknob... my heart beats against my chest as I open the door.

I'm partly blinded by the bright sun, but my eyes adjust and I can see overgrown grass in the yard almost as tall as my knee, trees with moss hanging off the branches, grass and small weeds growing through cracks in the pavement.

I walk out the door clenching the crowbar in my hand,  closing the door behind me and walk down the driveway almost completely over come by my fear of being outside after so long. 

I walk across the road watching for any signs of Infected, or worse.

The first house I saw had a truck parked in the driveway, covered in a thin layer of dust. I slowly walk by it, hoping not to trigger an alarm while thinking to myself,

The batteries shouldn't have an power left by now, right?

I peek through the window but can't see much through the dust. I opened the door, and some junk fell out making a bit of noise, I blurt out, shit, under my breath. Hoping that nothing heard it, even though it didn't sound that loud.

I looked for anything I could use, to drink, anything. But found nothing.

I look at the house thinking of a way inside, but choosing not to use the front door so I decide to look for another way inside. I snuck around to the backyard, and found the backdoor partly open. I tensed up thinking to myself, 

There's a truck, an open door, where are the people? 

I stepped inside into the kitchen/dining area, and saw food cans on the table, i know they are most likely empty but my hunger gets the better of me, and I rush for them hoping for any scraps of food I can find. But of course, they're empty.

I dumped my leg going around it looking for food despite the empty cans I try to be hopeful. And I do, luck for me I found three cans.

Not much but its more than I had before.

I search the rest of the bottom floor but don't find much aside from trash, junk and moldy cans then make my way up stairs and searched the first room I saw was nothing more than a bedroom.

The other room was a bathroom, with nothing in it. So that meant the last room was the master bedroom. I approached the door trying to be as quiet as possible. 

I inched my way closer, and closer, step by step. I reached out for the doorknob with a growing uneasy feeling. I take one last step just short of the door when the floor creaks.

My heart started racing, my hands went cold as I waited, watching for any sign of something behind the door.

The knob turned quick, and the door was violently swung open as a man yelled,

"Who the fuck is in my house!"

"I'm-I'm sorry! I'll leave!" 

"Were you stealing my food?! You little bitch!"

I ran as he reached back into the room but I don't make it far before the sound of gunshots rings out from behind me. One of the shots hits my side, causing me to yelp in pain, and knocks me off balance and causes me to fall down the stairs hitting my head on the wall at the bottom.

I was dazed for a moment but snapped out of it when I saw the man standing at the top of the stairs, getting up just as he shoots right where I had landed while yelling.

I ran as fast as I could feeling the blood running down my side from the wound, I ran out the backdoor but got my foot hooked on it cause me to trip, and scarp my knee. I look back and see the man running, and stumbling after me/

I painfully pick myself up, and keep running. The man catches up to me and aims at me

This is it, I'm dead...

But before he can squeeze the trigger two infected launch themselves over the fence and tackle the man to the ground. He screams in pain as the Infected bite down on him.

I ran as fast as I possible could, and I didn't stop until I was safely in my house. I busted through the front door, slamming it closed behind me leaning against it thinking to myself,

That was way to close. How ironic, the very things that ended the world just save my life. What are the odds.

I slide down the door as the adrenaline dies down, blood still flowing from the door... breathing heavily...


That's it for Samantha's story. if You'd like to see more of her story give her story a vote. Thank you for reading Tales from The Wastes

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