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Me, and my roommate were staying in our apartment for most of the early days scavenging the other apartments but as time went on the building became more like a target than a safe haven. Infected, looters and the likes started arriving. The building was stripped down almost clean except for what we managed to, but what was left quickly ran out.

My roommate left the relative safety of our apartment to find more supplies, and potentially a safer place. a full day has gone by, even though he told me to wait here I decide to go looking for him.

I grab the crowbar we kept by the door, and peek out as I slowly open the door. From the narrow gap I can't see much but assume it's somewhat safe and step out closing the door quietly.

I try to be as quiet as possible but something running through some trash, and debris on the floor startles me making me jump back and bursting out a, wow! as I try to balance myself tripping over some debris in the hall. The thing that rushed through the trash was just a rat.

I let out the breath I was holding as a sigh of relief. Feeling both relieved, and kinda stupid for letting a rat scare me. But given the world we live in now anything, and everything is trying to kill everyone.

I leave against the wall catching collecting myself when a loud screeching sound echos out from down the hall. Five Infected rush around the corner, see me, and begin sprinting at me.

I run as fast as I can yelling out, oh fuck me! at the same time.

Running through the hall I'm dodging debris, trash, frantically check for any unlocked doors but none are open. The Infected come running so fast they are almost flying around the corner tripping over each other.

As I run through the hall I'm just yelling while panting, SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!

I frantically check another few doors yelling for help. Much to my surprise one opens, and a womans voice says,

"Get in! Quick!"  As a hand reaches out, and pulls me in.

The door slams closed behind me as I turn to see this woman from behind with long black hair, some worn jeans, and a grey hoodie locking the door as the Infected bang on it as she finally braces the door with a thick piece of wood held in place with two metal supports.

I let out a sign of relief but that is short lived as she turns around and aims a gun at my head.

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell? You save me just to shoot me?" 

"If I wanted you to die, I would have left you outside. Let me see your neck! Roll up your sleeves! Now!" She says with a very commanding tone, while keeping her distance and the gun aimed at me.

I do as she says: showing her my neck, my forearms, even my shins. She inspects all the places thoroughly still staying back before finally lowering her gun.

"Can't be too careful these days." She says putting her pistol back into her waist.

I thank her for letting me in while now finally taking a breath as she offers me a seat on a chair.

"So aside from the obvious reason trying to avoid becoming a living buffet why were you running through the hall?" She asks, while taking a seat on the couch across from me.

I explain to her that my roommate, and I live here, and that he'd left, and never came back so I went out looking for him. She lowers her head very slightly saying nothing. A few short seconds pass before she says anything.

"I know what it's like to lose someone you are close too. I lost my partner during the riots. Looter shot her while we were on patrol near the governors' residents. We'll go find first thing in the morning to try and find your friend."

I'm taken back slightly by her odd willingness to help me when she doesn't even know me. I ask her why she is so willing to help a total stranger.

"The world may have ended but I'm still a cop. I know these streets well. And beside: if you only live for yourself then your life is meaningless." 

I sit speechless at her words.

She's very selfless. So willing to help someone else with no expectation... I guess not all good is gone after all.

Day breaks early in the morning as we prepare to leave, I ask her to wait for a moment and if she had a piece of paper so I can quickly write a letter. I quickly write it and stick it to the door of the apartment.

Dan, if you come back and see this I've gone out to find you as long with cop who lives in this apartment. Don't try to find us. We'll be back tonight.

If you return before us wait for me at our apartment. But be careful there are two Infected on this floor now.

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