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Sure enough, the next morning when Y/N woke up, the ground was completely covered in snow. It was up to her window, blocking half of her view of the outside world.

"Woah. I won't be outside for several days I guess." Y/N whispered to herself before leaving her bedroom.

"Mom! The snow is insane! I think this is the most snow we've ever gotten." Y/N called out to her mom who was watching the news in the living room.

"It definitely is. We'll probably be trapped inside the house for at least today, if not tomorrow too." Her mom sighed and turned her head to look at Y/N.

Y/N nodded in response and walked towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself. While she was in there, she spotted Taehyun sitting on a stool and scrolling through his phone.

"Good morning Taehyun. What bring you to the kitchen today?" Y/N asked sarcastically. Her brother preferred to stay in his room so it was a bit strange to see him in the kitchen.

"Ah about that.... I left the window open in my room." Taehyun announced while scratching the back of his neck.

"You did WHAT?!" Y/N practically dropped the jug of milk she was holding. Her mouth hung open in shock.

"Mhm.. and I'll need to stay in your room for... I dunno. Until the snow is gone." Taehyun replied and turned his attention back to his phone.

"How much snow is there?! Like in your room?" Y/N pointed up the stairs to where Taehyun's room was.

"A..lot? It was covering me when I woke up at like 2 am." Taehyun turned his phone off to actually focus on the conversation at hand.

"Why was the window open in the first place? It's winter!?" Y/N practically screamed. Sharing a room with Taehyun was awful. He kicked in his sleep and occasionally talked. Also he didn't sleep until like 1 in the morning.

"We'll, Jungwon and Beomgyu were going to come over. Beomgyu told me to just leave the window open and they'd be by around 1:30. But then I lost my phone." He shrugs casually like this happens every day.

"What does your phone have to do with this?" Y/N asks, now curious.

"We'll if I hadn't lost my phone, I would've seen Jungwon's text saying they weren't going to make it. Also I wouldn't have fallen asleep at 11, when it started to snow." Taehyun finished his story and glanced at Y/N who was now eating a bowl of cereal.

"So you're saying.. this is your phones fault?" Y/N questioned while nodding towards the phone on the counter. Taehyun seemed to think for a moment before nodding his head with a smile.

"Logically speaking, yes. The phone is the one at fault here." Y/N shook her head and sat down next to Taehyun to finished her breakfast.

       Later that day, Taehyun was moving his stuff (whatever wasn't covered in snow, that is) into Y/N's room and she could do nothing but watch. She felt like her worst nightmare was about to begin.

       "How long will he be in my room?" Y/N asked while looking at her mom. Her eyes were practically begging for it to only be one night.

       "I don't know Y/N. Maybe like a week?" Her mom told her while avoiding eye contact. Y/N's eyes went as wide as saucers.

      "A week?! I could die!! I'd rather die!" Y/N threw her hands up in the air and began to pace the hallway.

      "Be careful what you wish for." Her dad warned while walking past with Taehyuns mattress.

      "Also don't blame me, blame your brother. He's the one that left his window open while a blizzard was going on." Y/N's mom pat her shoulder and walked away. Y/N glared at Taehyun but he instantly threw his hands up as if to say 'I'm innocent!'

       "Blame the phone! It's the phones fault I didn't see the text." Taehyun attempted to defend himself as he jumped onto his mattress like a five year old.

      "Blame the phone. That's so stupid." Y/N grumbled and walked downstairs to the living room. She plopped onto the couch and took her phone out to text Nari about the situation.

Unfortunately, her friend has no useful advice to offer. All she had to say was 'sucks to suck.' Then she'd gone offline.

"It won't be that bad Y/N. At least you have a roof to stay under. There are people outside on the streets in the snow. Sharing your room with your brother for a week won't kill you." Y/N's dad tried to get her to look on the bright side but she didn't.

"His sleep kicking might kill me. He's like a karate star while he's sleeping I'm not even kidding!" Y/N pulled her hair in frustration. She heard her dad laugh at her a little bit.

"How do you even know that? Do you watch your brother sleep or something?" He questioned while raising an eyebrow.

"No! Remember that time we went on vacation and I got up to pee at night? He kicked me while I was walking past his bed! I had a bruise for days." Y/N's attempts at getting Taehyun out of her room faster didn't seem to be helping at all.

"I remember that all right. The 'bruise' was a little red mark that went away in like an hour. Then you complained about it for the rest of the trip." Her dad walked away after saying that. Apparently the conversation was over and Y/N hadn't accomplished anything.

Guess she would have to spend a week sleeping in the same room as Taehyun. Y/N was prepared for obnoxious snoring and her bed being violently kicked every three seconds.

I finally finished the second chapter woohoo! My sister has been bugging me about updating this but we were on vacation last week 🥲✌️
Also this is based off of my brother because he actually does kick in his sleep and he kicks my bed a lot and it drives me insane
And if anyone was wondering this is how I'm picturing Nari:

———————————————————————I finally finished the second chapter woohoo! My sister has been bugging me about updating this but we were on vacation last week 🥲✌️Also this is based off of my brother because he actually does kick in his sleep and he kic...

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