marinette?!?!?! 🤨🤨🤨

211 3 5

forgot to mention that everyone will most likely be out of character at points in this lmao

this is short but whatever, not all of these will be long


alixkubdel: guys
alixkubdel: there's legit a slice of bread outside my window

ninolahiffe: what??

alixkubdel: im not joking 😭

'alixkubdel' sent 1 image.

ninolahiffe: dude why is there a slice of bread outside your window

alixkubdel: idfk???

alyacesaire: wait
alyacesaire: @marinettedc

marinettedc: let me sleep

alyacesaire: girl.. its 7pm..

marinettedc: i stayed up really late okay??? doing stuff with a friend

alyacesaire: what "friend"? 😏

adrienagreste: hi guys :D

alyacesaire: yeah you were definitely with him

alixkubdel: guys what about the bread outside my window???

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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