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Y/n's POV
Yep I got partnered with my bully that's great. "So loser my house or yours." I shrug. "What ever is fine" I say looking down. "Okay well my house we can take the bus." I nod and the last bell rings and we go to the bus and I sit next to the window and reach into my bag and grab my Rubik's cube and solve it. "Cool Can you teach me?" Madison asks and I nod. I grab my spare and teach her. "And solved" she smiles and hugs me. "Thank you." I blush and she gives me back my Rubik's cube. "Okay we're  here let's go." We get off the bus and I see her house.

"Whoa your house is huge" I say and she nods. "Yeah yeah let's go in and work on the assignment" she takes me Inside and we go straight to her room. "Okay umm so the answer is 56?" I nod and we finish. It starts to storm and we get an alert to stay inside. "Oh shit" I say and text my mom. "What's wrong?" Madison grabs my hand and I say. "My mom said I need to find a place to stay" I sigh and Madison says. "You can stay here for the night!"

Madison's POV
"Really are you sure?" She asked and nod. "Okay well umm do you want to change I've got some clothes if you need?" She shakes her head. "I'll just sleep in this." I nods and she looks away. "God your beautiful" I say but she looks at me. "You think that?" I blush and look down. "I though I said that in my head. " she smiles and stares at me. "Your beautiful too" she glances down at my lips and I lean in.

She pulls away. "I-I sorry y/n I didn't-" she cuts me off by kissing me. She straddles my lap and we pull away for air and rest our foreheads on each other's.

"I loved that" I say and she giggles. She gets off of me and plays with her fingers.
"You okay y/n" she nods and looks up. "That was my first kiss" I grab her hand. "Sorry" she shakes her head kisses my lips. "It's okay" I blush and she says. "Umm weird question can we watch Rick and morty?" I gasp and nod. "Yes of course we fucking can!" She blushes and I turn on the tv. We hold hands and she giggles. "What's so funny?" She shrugs and lays her head on my shoulder

"Tired?" She nods and I turn off the tv and holds her. "Madison what are we?" She asks and i shrug. "What ever you want us to be." She looks up. "Okay baby" I blush and kiss her. "Night" she does off. "Good night babe" I say and I kiss her forehead before dosing off myself.

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