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Madison's POV
Me and y/n got homes from the store and go to help put away the stuff when y/n says. "Babe go rest okay I'll put away the things okay?" She says and I nod and I sit down on the couch and turn on Rick and Morty.

I look over to see the stuff all put away and her cutting up some apples. She looks up and smiles and then back down. She cleans up and walks over and sits next to me and we watch the show she eats the apple and she grabs another and feeds it to me. "Babe I could have done that myself" she nods and says. "But I want to treat you like a queen" I giggle and kiss her. "Kisses are nice for a queen too?" I says and she sets aside the plate and pats her lap and I straddle her.

Y/n's POV
I kiss her all over and then I say. "Baby?" "Yeah?" I cup her face and say. "Your beautiful and I love you and I never want our special moments to go away even if we're both so busy" I say and then look down. "Baby what's wrong?" She gently lifts my face and I say? "I love you mads" she blushes and kiss me. "I love you too y/n and I want us to grow old and live a happy life." I smile and kiss her again then we watch our show and leave off with the day.

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