Drive in

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Y/ns POV:
It's been 4 weeks since that thing with my dad happened, I'm still pretty traumatized but I'm learning to move on. Today was a Saturday and I didn't really plan on doing anything this weekend. So I changed into sweats and went to watch Friday the 13th when I heard the phone ring.

Robins POV:
I finally saved up 50 to take y/n to the drive in! I dialled her number in phone in my kitchen. Hello? I heard her say. Hey gorgeous I was wondering if I could take you out to the drive in tonight? I ask kinda flirtatious. Omg ofc! What are you watching? She ask excited. Chainsaw massacre! I haven't seen that yet can't wait! She says kinda giggling which makes me blush. Ok I'll come get you at 7:00! Bye love you! Bye Robin love you too!

Back to your POV:
I hung up the phone, omg I cannot wait for tonight! I thought to myself. I look at the time it was 6:00. Shit I better get ready! I turn the tv off and jump in the shower. I put my hair in a cute half up half down look, with a light cute makeup look!

 I put my hair in a cute half up half down look, with a light cute makeup look!

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You change into this (or you can change it)

(Guys I also forgot to mention you guys are 15!) I strayed some perfume on and grab my small white purse I walked out of my bedroom and and waited by the front door. Oooo where are you going all dressed up! My mom ask smiling. Robin is taking me to the drive in! I say blushing. Aw that's sweet! But! I want you home by 10, and also it's ok to say the word no! My mom says with a serious look on here face. Ew mom stop I'm only 15! And by the I KNOW THAT! I say getting kinda embarrassed. Ok ok bye honey love you have fun! She says walking away. And remember I want to home by 10! I heard her say while walking away. Ik I will! Bye mom love you! 3 minutes went by and I heard I knocked on the door, I ran up and answerd it. Hey baby! You look beautiful! He said leaning in and kissing me. Thank you! You look very handsome! I say giggling. Come let's go before the movie starts! He says grabbing my hand and walking to his sisters car. Btw my sister is dropping us of, but we get the car because she's watching the movie with her boyfriend. He said well opening the back door for me. We sat down and out are sit belts on. You look so pretty tonight y/n! You know Robin your really lucky. Robins sister Maria said. Ik I am! Robin said looking at me. I started blushing. Omg you guys are too sweet! I said kissing Robin.

We got to the drive in, Maria parked the car and opened up the roof since it was a convertible. Ok I'm going to watch the movie with my boyfriend, so when the movies done I'll come back and drop you guys off. Maria said. Ok bye! Thank you for dropping us off! I said waving. Have fun, but not too much fun! She said laughing well walking away. Omg shut up! Robin yelled at her.

We sit in the front sit, robins arm is around my waist and my head is on his shoulder, he smells so good and comforting. We were about 29 minutes into the movie when a jump scare comes on. I scream and flinch. Robin starts laughing. That was right in my ear! He says giggling. Sorry! I say well getting up. Where are you going? Robin ask well sitting up. I'm going to get popcorn, do you want anything? I ask opening the door. Just some M&M pls! He ask. Wait here! He says well giving me 10 dollars. You don't have to do that! I have money. I say trying to give it back. I know! But let me pay I took you on this date! Awe your so sweet! Your making me blush! I say giving him a kiss.

I was walking to convenience stand, I walked passed a truck, it had three boys around my age. I realized they were boys from my school, but these were the bad kids, the type of kids that get in trouble a lot from the school and the police. They were looking at me, smirking and laughing to each other, there such pigs. I give them a Death stare and continue waking. I could feel people follow me, and knew it was the three boys. So I just went to the small outdoor bathroom because I knew other people would be there and they couldn't come in.

I sat in one of the stalls for 5 minutes then decided to finally come out. I walked out for the bathroom and felt 2 strong arms grab be and drag me to the back of the bathroom. Then that's when I noticed who they were the three boys, or rather the three pigs. I tried scream and yelling but the movie was too loud and it was dark behind the bathroom.

2 of them were holding me down well one was trying to undo my dress. Aren't you a slut? So you should be used to this! The guy said. I bit his hand. OW you bitch! The guy yelled. One of the guys holding me down out his hand over my mouth. Before my dress was fully off. Someone punches the guy I bit in the hand in the face. I realized who it was, Robin. He got onto of the guy and started beating the sit out of him. Don't fucking touch her again! He yelled at the guys. He punched him again and he knock him out. I started crying. The guys picked up there friend and ran away. Robin ran up to me and hugged so tight I couldn't breath. He pulled away and cupped my face with his hand. Are you ok?! I'm so so sorry! He said kissing me. Did they do anything else to you?! He asked well whipping my tears. No. I say in shock. He zips up my dress and we walk back to the car with his hand around my shoulder, I hang on tight to him.

We go to Marias boyfriends car to ask Maria if she can drop me off. Maria! Robin ask banging on the window. She rolls down the window, she was clearly just making out with her boyfriend. What! She ask. Can you drop y/n off now. Robin ask looking her dead in the eyes. Maria sees me, she sees that I was crying with all my makeup running down my face. U-um yeah ofc! She kisses her boyfriend bye and we walk back to the car. Me and Robin sit in the back. He holds me the entire way home. We're here. Maria says In a calm voice. Thank you Maria. I say putting a fake light smile on my face. Robin kisses me. Are you sure you don't want me to stay the night? Robin ask looking me In The eyes. Yeah my mom probably won't like it, but I'll call you tomorrow. I smile and close the door and watch them drive away. I got into the house and took my shoes off. My mom was asleep on the couch. I got ready for bed, I layed and my bed and started crying. I hate all men except for robin. I think to myself.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for all your support!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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