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Vegas pov:-

I was waiting for my people outside the club when a car suddenly stopped in front of me,khun no,pol,arm, came out from the car.
But I was shocked when he wasn't with them, I wanted to ask them where he was but I couldn't because I was still angry, and he didn't even talk to me since evening.
After arguing for a while with khun no,he came out from the car, and my eyes widened when I saw him.
How can someone is so beautiful? He is mine only mine he is my love.
I stopped  all these thoughts when Macao patted my shoulder
Hia.. I know phi pete is looking awsmm but control your self.
He said and wink me.
Phi pete you looking awsmm.
Khun no first time I am impressed with your work.
Then he said to pete.
Thanks Macao.
Pete said I could clearly see his red cheeks which was burning me up.
Then he saw me I know he want compliment from me but now I can't do this because of fucking plan.
Let's go pete.I think Mr Lee is also arrive in hotel we have to start our plan immediately.
Arm said to Pete and he nodded.Then
he went in alone because we couldn't go with him so that no one would get suspicious. After a while we all went in. We all took our places. I was waiting for him on the second floor because according to our plan Pete was going to take him in this room. But I can clearly see everything from second floor.
The I saw Pete was stood at the front of the table. Everyone was looking at my love(Pete) and I wanted to take out everyone's eyes. Then I saw Mr Lee his eyes also on pete.
Plan execute.
Arm said and I saw Pete nodded.
Then That bastard stood at the side of my love.
Then I can hear voices pete and that bastard from my earphones.
Hay little boy Who has come with you? Are you alone?
That bastard asked with wierd smile.
No,no I was with my friend when I came here, but he ditch me, now he didn't come, now I'm standing here alone.
Pete said in sadly tone and making pouty face."oh pete today I will punish you very badly you wait and watch"
I thought.
Oh really you can come with I will remove your loneliness.
That bastard said his hand on now pete's waist and then pete's butt.
"Oh god I will kill you bastard"
Ya sure why not I already booked a room for me and my friend but now if you want to share with me so come with me.
Pete said now I can breathe. I have to finish this mission as soon as possible.
Our target is caught in our trap.
I said now arm and pol is also with me I saw Pete entered in the room I wanted to start immediately our plan but I have to wait for Pete signal.

Pete pov:-

We were walking towards the room and we were accompanied by two of his bodyguards I have to stop them outside the room.
Oh Mr Will they also go inside with us? If so, sorry, I can't come, I'm a little bit shy.
I said to that bastard.
If you are not okay with that so they wait us outside the room.
He said to me.
Oh so sweet of you.
I said with fake smile.
Then we entered in the room.
Oh little boy you know how sexy you are.
That bastard said and sip wine. "Oh godd vegas always said these lines to me and now vegas is listening  everything. I have to do this quickly "
I thought.
Oh really thanks.
I said with bright smile.
Little boy please sit on my lap.
He said and now I wanted to shoot him with myself.
Oh calm down but my way is different from others I hope you like it.
I said I wanted to convenience him
Oh sure I like every way of your but tonight is you are mine.
He said then I take a belt which attached with my dress and tied his hands tightly.
Oh you like it?
I said to that bastard now I have to signal them.
Go on let's start baby.
I said with smile.

Vegas pov:-

As soon as I got the signal I moved towards the door, I killed these two bodyguards  and opened the door with the help of Arm and Pol.
I saw Pete with bright smile and then I saw that bastard he tied with belt firstly he was shoked.
Hay who the hell are you? Why are you entered in this room without permission.
He said with arrogance.
I am Vegas theeranpakol from minor family.I didn't think we would meet like this Mr Lee.
I said I saw Pete walking towards me and he came and stood next to me, he placed his hand on my shoulder and said.
Oh baby calm down my love.
He said and suddenly kiss my cheek.
I don't know this Pete but I like this version of my Pete.
Okay baby as your wish.
I kiss him on lips very lovingly
This toy was yours? Oh I think one night stand am I right Vegas? After I escape from this place, We will share this toy boy.
He said with smile. These lines increase my anger.
Shut the hell up.
I said and Grabbed his coller and picked him up and punch him continuously.
Stop Vegas we will deal him at our house.
He said now I know what he was saying.
Ok baby.
Then we came out of the hotel and sat in the car.
That bastard was in the car of Arm and Pol we  were in separate cars.It was quite late and both were quiet all the way. He know I am angery with him because of this fucking plan.
We were about to reach home then
Stop the car Vegas.
He said I can clearly see his red cheeks but I don't know why.
We are almost home, just wait a minute.
I said and paying attention to the road again.
No ,I said Stop the car please I can't hold it please Vegas I want to do it now.
He said in seduced tone.
Now how can I deny my love request.

Hay bubbles.....
sorry for late but I hope you like this chapter.
Please comment your opinions.
Enjoy your day 😃.......

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