They Have A crush on you.

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(Hange will be she/her.)

Mikasa: Erens harsh treatment of her has made her question herself. You on the other hand treat her far better. This starts to make her drawn to you. This drawing soon turns to attachment.

Historia: She's a smart Girl. If she had a crush on you, she'd know it. You'd often notice that she asks about your well being far more frequently than she does anyone else. She'd also constantly look for excuses to get closer to you. Sometimes even to touch you. She would watch you during training to ensure you don't get hurt. And she'd constantly reprimand you for being reckless. You even once got a paper cut and she treated it like a life threatening disease.

Sasha: Ever since you shared your lunch with her, she knew you were a good egg. But she quickly realized how much you cared for her. And so she became quite fond of you. Sometimes tailing you when you go for walks. You then would notice that she'd share her food with you. Yeah, Sasha sharing food. She wouldn't just do that with anyone.

Peick: It would be pretty obvious that she's got a crush on you. It'd start with the nicknames. And then it would soon evolve into hugs everytime you two see each other. And then her leaning on your shoulder when she's tired. And hand holding.

Annie: If she had a crush on you, she wouldn't realize it at first. She'd often find herself greeting you when she walks past. She'd find herself not hitting you as hard during sparring. She'd also find herself in am upbeat mood when your around. Like she'll be around Connie and Sasha and she'll feel as if she wants to blow her brains out, and then you walk into the room and she feels better. And your the only person that she doesn't mind sitting with at lunch.

Hange: She wouldn't hide it. I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say.

Ymir: You wouldn't be able to tell of she did. She'd still insult you as much as she did anyone else. If anything she'd insult you more than anybody else. But then she would always be hanging around you. Everytime you ask her why, she blow it off and call you a dumbass.

Hitch: She'd be all over you like a fan girl meeting the beetles in the 1960's. It'd be obvious.

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