How first time sex would Happen.

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Mikasa: It was after the collausal titan breached trost. You both lost so many friends and you were both going through a lot. That night, you both needed to unwind and forget about the horrible world that you lived in. So you both decided to have intercoarse.

Sasha: It during training. You both were out on a hunting trip, and Sasha couldn't hold back her urges any more. And neither could you. It started when she tackled to you the ground. And the magic happend from there.

Ymir: As previously mentioned, it happend when she "confessed".

Hange: It happend in her office after she called you there. She said it was for a progress report. But she only said that to fool everyone else.

Hitch: In her dorm room within the military police headquarters. That's where you both did it.

Annie: She knew that after the 57th expedition, things would start to get dangerous. The biggest issue is that you were born on paradis. You had no idea about the outside world. But she was from marley. She feared for her cover. So she wanted to get one last great thing out of the relationship. A week before the 57th, she sent a letter for you to meet her at a hotel. From there, you both got a room where she then proceeded to cry and vent some feelings to you. After she was done crying, she told you that she "wanted you". And you knew exactly what she ment.

Historia: She became the queen and she needed to have a child. And her obvious choice would be you. She found you sitting on a log, staring off into the distance. She told you about what needed to he done, and then she led you by hand back to her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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