Chapter 2: Spotted.

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(3rd person view, Madeline)

As Madeline Cookie walked through the halls of his castle like home in the creme Republic, his heavy pale yellow and bright blue armor clanking heavily, he got ready to go out into the glorious creme Republic streets to greet the people like normal. This was, until, knight cookie came rushing in, looking exasperated.

"Sir Madeline!" The knight said, breathing heavily between words.

"Is everything alright Knight? You look concerned," Madeline said, his smile faltering.

"Rumors have been heard that a Winged One was spotted in the town square!" Knight cookie exclaimed, concern written all over his face.

"What…?" The commander gasped, his smile completely gone by now. "I thought they were all crumbled 15 years ago!" 

"That's what we thought too, but people have been finding small sugar feather shards everywhere. Where else could they have come from?" Knight said. 

"...Thank you for telling me, Knight cookie," Madeline said, as he proceeded toward the entrance of house Madeline. Everyone thought that the Winged Ones had been wiped out years ago. Stories say that while trying to propose a peace treaty, the winged ones attempted to attack his fathers army. Through the power of the divine, his father and his men defeated the traitorous feathered-cookies. His father even has a scar crossing his face to prove it.

Could there really be one left? The commander thought as he exited house Madeline. His parents were on a business trip, but they would be back in 5 days, so it would be up to him to rid of the winged cookie. As he walked through the center square, fountains spraying crystal clear water, smells of jellies of all sorts being sold in booths, and cookies getting along and talking everywhere. It was mid December, meaning there was a slight snowfall raining upon the cookies, not too much for it to be dangerous.  As Madeline Cookie wore his signature smile and greeted the cookies, giving signatures and talking to those who wanted conversation, he started to doubt there was actually a Winged One left. Everything seemed fairly normal. As he walked closer to one of the food stands with an abnormally long line, he noticed it. A white, shiny shard of sugar crystal on the ground. Madeline bent down to pick it up, flipping it over in his hand. It was very clearly a sugar crystal feather, being a pointed shard with a crack down the middle. He noticed it also had a softness to it, which was strange considering it was a sugar crystal. So there is one left, the cookie thought to himself. He quickly hid it in a pocket of his armor and put his hand near his sword. It was winter, so that meant that this was a recently shed sugar feather (during the winter the feathers will shed for softer ones to provide warmth). That means the winged cookie may still be around. As he neared the front of the line, the cookie at the front attempting to buy something seemed to be getting more nervous by the second, and The knight commander started walking to the front, as cookies cast concerned glances to the cookies bickering at the counter. He could hear a burst of conversation, and he felt a fight may be about to break out.
As he walked closer, Madeline cookie started to overhear the conversation at hand. He recognized the shopkeeper as a popular Grape jelly seller, and a female cookie he didn't recognize, mostly because she was dressed in a black coat with one sleeve tied at around the midarm on her right arm, puffy pants, and a Blue kitsune mask adorning her face, completely covering her facial features besides her mouth.

"Look, I see what you're saying, but if you don't have enough money, I'm not selling you these jellies!" The shopkeeper exclaimed, getting annoyed. 

"You keep raising the price everytime I come! I can barely afford to be alive right now!" The feminine voice is desperately said, slamming her good hand on the table in front of her. "All I ask is this one purchase and i'll leave you be!"

"No means no, lady!" Said the shopkeeper. "Everytime you come here with the same mask, asking for the same purchase, don't you have somewhere else to be?" As they continued to argue, Madeline came up to them, ready to break up the fight, not noticing the ungloved, sugar clawed hand on the table.

"What's the problem here, folks?" Madeline said, stepping beside the strange girl.

"This lady comes here every week asking for an Obnoxious amount of jellies! It's uncalled for!" The shopkeeper yelled. "And she can't keep up with the prices, so everytime she comes, she doesn't have enough!"

"How am I supposed to know your raising the prices?!" The lady started. "This man is being completely unfa-" she paused as she looked at Madeline. She went completely silent for a second, seeming almost starteld at Madeline's appearance. Do I have something on my face? Madeline wondered.

"...I'll just leave," the lady mutterted, her hand now hanging at her side, ready to turn around. This was when the shopkeeper finally noticed the abnormal hand, for her glove had ripped a few days prior. 

"Hey, what's with the claws?" The shopkeeper said. Some other cookies in line also noticed and started whispering. As Madeline looked at the girls unloved hand, now brought to her chest, he noticed what the shopkeeper ment. Her hand had small claws where the tips of her fingers, with white sugar tips. The same shade as the crystal feather! Madeline thought to himself. Before Madeline could react, the girl began to run. 

"Hey! Get back here!" Madeline said. The cookies around seemed to realize something was off, and one cookie snagged the hooded cloak the strange female cookie wore. Before she could get very far, the cloak was ripped off, causing her to stumble. Gasps were heard from the crowd as the female cookie revealed white sugar crystal wings, the wingspan almost twice her size. She also had silvery gray silk hair in a braided bun, mixed with a few twigs and leaves with a white rose in the corner. She wore a simple black t-shirt under the cloak with her right arm being a bandaged stub, and her coin sack dropped from her own surprise. Her face was still half-covered by the mask, not allowing Madeline to identify any facial features except a mouth, which hung open in shock. As Madeline and the winged cookie stared at each other in a mixture of shock and confusion, the silence was interrupted by a cookie shrieking in a shrill voice. 

"A WINGED ONE!" They yelled. As the marketplace ascended into chaos, Madeline charged at the winged cookie. He brought down his sword blessed by the divine, before she quickly folded her wings around her body, having slight sugar crystals spray from the white wings as the sword struck, an audiable gasp being heard. Before the commander could strike again, she disappeared in a flurry of white sugar crystal feathers, leaving nothing but grains of sugar behind. As The marketplace started to calm down, and Madeline registered what just happened, the questions started.

"I thought all the Winged Ones were gone!"

"Who was that?"

"I can't believe I almost sold jellies to a Winged One…"

"What are you going to do, Sir Madeline?" 

As Madeline was flooded with questions, he gestured for everyone to back up, and spoke in a loud voice.
"Do not worry, citizens of the Creme Republic!" Madeline boasted, his sword pierced in the ground. "I will take care of this Cookie, and we won't have to worry again!" He said. Worried looks were exchanged from cookie to cookie, but all trusted Madeline Cookie and believed what he said. 

Without my parents around, I suppose I'll have to find her myself.

1322 words- see i said it would be longer

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