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This is another work that was inspired by JCK22's art.

The original concept of the Xenomorph came from an AU art by @CreatureXIII for their RK800 Connor Xenomorph. JCK22 has since made their own interpretation of an RK900 version.

Art by @JasminCK3 on Twitter / JCK22 on Instagram / jceekay on Tumblr

Gavin hummed softly as he sat at the piano in the parlour of Elijah's mansion. Well, one of them. This one was on the second floor, with a view of the mountainside that went all the way across to Detroit. This parlour had been mostly set aside for Chloe's use as a combined music room and study, decorated in soft creams and warm woods. She had a huge grand piano set up by the window so she could look out over the city as she played. It was sleek and white with a matching stool, a beautiful piece. The wingback was propped open to display the inner workings. Endless lines of delicate strings and pale wooden hammers. The parlour was one of Gavin's favourite places, and it seemed Tiny agreed. The little mechanical monster had been curled up sleeping on the fluffed cushion of the chaise lounge for almost an hour now. Gavin's lips curled as he listened to the gentle whirring purr of his inner workings.

The cut on his face from their first meeting had healed up nicely, though the line was still there at the moment. He was using scar cream, so it would probably fade in a few weeks. Since the incident, and much to Elijah's annoyance, he and Tiny had become inseparable whenever he was in the mansion. Elijah had originally planned to place the reconnaissance model back in stasis. It was a prototype designed with a very specific job, and even if androids had freedom now, that didn't extend to such dangerous models. The law would likely call for the whole series to be discontinued and destroyed. The only reason they hadn't been decommissioned yet was that they were early prototypes that no one knew about, besides Elijah and Chloe. What had stopped Elijah from putting Tiny in stasis was the pure look of heartbreak on Gavin's face when he'd told him. He'd never been able to turn down his brother when he gave him kitten eyes. Worse, the reconnaissance model, or Tiny as Gavin had named him, had mastered the look, too. He was surprisingly cute, considering his alien design.

Gavin's visits had become more frequent. He stopped by on every day off, and sometimes he'd even visit after work. It meant Elijah got to see more of him, so he couldn't complain, even though he wasn't really there to see him. Tiny had taken to waiting by the door every night and every morning, just in case Gavin stopped by. It had become somewhat of a problem. Tiny was a sophisticated machine, controlled by a far higher intellect. An intellect that could get extremely bored. That meant there would often be a lot of damage where Tiny practiced stunts and routines around the entrance hall. Climbing, jumping, stalking, pouncing, shredding. Elijah had already had to replace a section of the marble flooring and re-plaster three walls. Various expensive items had been broken. Sculptures, vases, and even one of his paintings. Each time, Tiny would give him those almost apologetic kitten eyes until he was forgiven. He was a bigger menace than Gavin!

Gavin would call for Tiny as soon as the door opened, and the small machine would come scuttling from wherever he was playing or sleeping. He climbed Gavin like a tree to curl up on his shoulders and often went back to sleep. It was always peaceful when Gavin was in the mansion. He kept the small creature entertained. Tiny still didn't trust Elijah, and would often stay out of his reach. He would, however, accept thirium and treats from Chloe. Chloe would speak to him. She didn't treat him like a monster or a pet. It was refreshing. She also hadn't enlightened Gavin about his true nature, for which he was thankful. He enjoyed his time with Gavin very much. They would play hide and seek, tag, wrestle, and even go hiking on the mountainside. No one else ventured up the mountain. The land belonged to the Kamski estate, so it was safe for him to be out in the open.

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