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A thousand thoughts bombarded your skull as you walked around the side of the Fisher's beach house in Cousins, but the main one was this—

Had it really been five fucking years since you were last here?

The summer you turned sixteen was the last holiday you ever spent here, only returning for Susannah's funeral four years later, and now this. This of all things that you were still desperately trying to wrap your brain around; Belly and Jeremiah's fucking wedding.

There was a part of you that knew it. Susannah had always said that you and Belly were destined for her boys, but during every summer before you left you were sure that she'd liked Conrad over Jere. You couldn't wait to hear the stories. You couldn't wait to simply exist with them again.

After everything that had halted your vacations here, after reeling and mourning Susannah away from them all; this was needed.

You needed to be back in Cousins with the Fisher's and the Conklin's again. Even if it might be the last time.

That was the hardest part to admit, for sure.

The path swirled around the back of the house, melting into the rest of the patio that surrounded the pool in the backyard. You remembered it all so vividly: nothing whatsoever had changed. This was the pool where the boys took it upon themselves to throw you and Belly into the cold water in the morning. This was the patio where you and Conrad sat after stealing a bottle of red wine from Adam's wine cellar, chugging on the bottle and then stupidly deciding to rush down to the ocean for a late-night dip when you were teenagers.

The back door was swung open, music from the radio filtering out the back.

"Hello?" you announced hesitantly, and within seconds Jeremiah's face popped out from the doorway.

"Oh my god," he said first, before a smile the size of fucking Jupiter erupted onto his face. "Belly!" he exclaimed, before flinging himself down the back steps until you were within his arms.

Tears began fighting their way into your eyes, but you stopped them from forming. You didn't want to cry, didn't want to make this all the more difficult and heartfelt than you already knew it would be—

I mean... you hadn't even seen Conrad yet. If you cried with Jeremiah and Belly, then you'd probably end up sobbing when you saw Conrad's face.

Jeremiah held you tightly, squeezing you as if he wasn't ever going to let go. He'd grown so much in five years, from the almost twenty-year old boy into a full grown twenty-four year old man; soon to be twenty-five. He was taller, bigger, bit still contained the same ferocious charm and love within his heart.

That would never disappear.

"I can't believe you're here," he whispered, and you swallowed back the want to burst into tears. Instead, you pulled away, holding him at an arms distance.

"And I can't believe you're fucking getting married," you let out, laughter bubbling between the both of you. "Did you get her a good ring?" you asked.

"See it for yourself," Belly's voice spoke up over your reunion, and your chest all but caved in. As your gaze scattered over her, you were hit with the realisation that she was no longer a child. All the prior grace and elegance she'd lacked at age fourteen was now replaced with a sense of herself that made you jealous.

Belly descended the steps until she was at your level; strong, beautiful, grown.

"Fucking hell," the words tumbled from your mouth involuntarily. "You—you, you're so—,"

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