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Belly's birthday comes and goes in the blink of an eye. Another lobster dinner passes. Taylor and Belly spend every second together after her arrival in Cousins, planning, gossiping, drinking gin and tonics in the sunshine.

You spend a lot of time with Laurel, discussing her books and writing and methods. You talk about Susannah, you talk about the wedding—you talk about Conrad, sometimes.

Since the night you fell asleep in each other's arms, you've slept together every night; wrapped in his limbs, feeling his warmth, hands trickling over bare skin while both of you innately freak out at what you're doing. It feels right, but it also doesn't. It feels good, but it's clear that neither of you know where to go from here.

As the wedding looms ever closer, tensions rise in the beach house. It's mostly from excitement, with Jeremiah and Belly being so fucking gross and teeth-crackingly sweet whenever they're in the same room.

You watch a movie with Taylor, Conrad, Jere and Belly one night, all of you stuffed on the one couch with legs over limbs and shoulders tightly packed against one another. Belly's got her head in Jere's chest, his chin resting on the top of her head.

You're on the other side with Conrad, as close as you get in bed before falling asleep. You're practically in his lap, his arms draped around your torso, leaning back so his eyes can peek over the top of your head to look at the TV.

Taylor's stuck in the middle—poor girl.

The film in question? The Notebook.

You all watch in silence as Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling go through their summer romance, kissing under streetlamps and unable to take their fucking hands off each other. In the scene where they have sex for the first time, you grimace.

"I don't know why anyone would think losing their V-card in an abandoned house on the floor would be romantic. It's borderline horrifying," you let out. Conrad scoffs behind you softly.

"You're just jealous because Ryan Gosling will never know you exist," Taylor chimes in. You gently push her with your foot.

"That's not nice. He just hasn't met me yet," you joke, and Jeremiah lets out a chuckle.

"I'm sure if he met you, he'd fall in love instantly," he says sarcastically. You lean back into Conrad's chest, pouting at Jere's response. Conrad tightens his grip on you secretly, pulling you into his body as much as humanly possible.

"Don't patronise me," you quip.

By the end of the film, you, Taylor and Belly are silently sobbing. Jeremiah and Conrad catch each other's faces, rolling their eyes while they continue to clutch onto you and Belly. Taylor blows her nose into a tissue, and it's enough to make Conrad lose it.

"You know it's not real, right?" he lets out. You take it upon yourself to elbow him in the ribs. He caves over slightly, but recovers fast enough to dig his fingers into the sides of your waist. You scream abruptly at the ticklish feeling, scrambling to get out of his lap while he keeps you in place strongly.

Taylor leans into Belly and Jeremiah, overseeing the obvious display of affection that Conrad is performing on you. You're red faced and ready to fucking punch him. With every sudden move of his fingers to tickle spots, the breath hitches in your throat until you're certain that your heart is going to explode.

You kick and scream and yell at him, until he finally fucking stops.

You stand abruptly on shaking legs, bending over as you fight to contain air inside your lungs. "You're an asshole," you let out, breathlessly, pacing the living room as he continues to smile at you like you're the fucking greatest thing he's ever seen.

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