The Ballers

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My name is Alexander I'm 17 I live in Oklahoma nothing can separate me from the game of ball. I am in the NBA my team the ballers is the only white team in the league. With the draft coming up we have the lotto pic so coach scheduled a meting to decide who to draft I think we should get Caleb Gerber. Just then I remembered when I got drafted. 1st round 1st pick when I was 16 I remember all my friends cheering me on but this never would of happened if it weren't for the shoes I got at the thunder game.

There KD 5s. Ever since I got them my games improved so much that I was drafted right after my sophomore year in high school. I won rookie of the year but my team sucks are record last season was 23-59 I was the best on the team. I was going to request a trade in till I heard about the draft. If we get Caleb we could beat the 71-11 clippers.

When I got in my Audi to go to the meting. when I got a tex from coach it said hay Alex ready for the meting. Because we have the best picks 1 and 10 I am trusting you on giving me good advice. But any ways did you hear Jake Gannon opted out his contract and he requested to be with you. Great this is amazing we will be the best team if we get him he can cross any one except me just kidding he probably could. But any ways all call him up.

Hey Jake I heard the news. "Yah I Hope you can tell coach the stories of when we were 14 and are street team and how we used to be terrible in till we joined"

"Yah ill tell coach

This year is gonna be great I am so glad I did not request a trade.just then a bunch of tourist pulled up next to me they were lucky that I was not in a bad mood if I was I would just speed of but instead I gave them a sighed basket ball and smiled then speed of.

When I pulled in I saw Maccabee the GM pull up in his big ass hummer.It looked like he just came from a big meting. When I walked inside I saw Dimitrie the doctor giving Anthony Davis health tips.I saw Nolan in the back playing 1 on 1 with Steve Blake Nolan was owning him. Right when Nolan dunked on him Maccabee tolled everyone to come in side for the meeting. It took the team about 5 minutes to get settled then Maccabee said "as you know we have the first and tenth pick of the draft I have decided to pick Caleb Gerber and Nathaniel Mizrahi. Yes! Perfect.Nathaniel was the best shooter in college and the best free throw shooter he beat Tarry Gannon's record.this is going to be great.

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