Chapter 5

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*In the ER*

Intern: Hi, I'm doctor Gal, What seems to be the problem?

April: Nothing.

Mark: She got into a fist fight with a drunk guy and he hit her pretty hard. I just want to make sure she doesn't have any internal bleeding or anything.

Dr. Gal: Ok well I'll just stop the bleeding on your head and check you out okay?

While April is getting her checkup, Venus is sitting on a bed staring into space

Mark: *sits next to Venus* *softly* Hey. You okay?

Venus: *almost in tears* Do you think I killed him? Do you think he's dead? What if I killed him? Oh my God I'm gonna go to jail. *crying*

Mark: Venus. He's not dead.

Venus: *crying* You don't know that.

Mark: Yes I do. All you did was knock him out. It takes more than a half filled beer bottle to kill someone.

Venus: *calming down* Are you sure?

Mark: Positive.

Venus: *wiping her tears*

April: *from a slight distance* No! Get off of me!

Mark: *approaching April's bed with Venus* What's wrong.

Dr. Gal: She won't let me examine her.

April: You're trying to lift my shirt up.

Dr. Gal: I have to check your abdomen for tenderness.

April: Well my stomach isn't tender. Like I said I'm fine! *stands up* I wanna le- *groans in pain, grabs her stomach and almost falls*

Venus: Oh! *catches her*

Dr. Gal: Get her in the bed.

Venus: *puts her back on the bed* What's wrong with her?

April: *barely conscious*

Dr. Gal: We're going to find out. *lifts up April's shirt* Oh my gosh. *gentley pressing on her stomach to check for tenderness*

Mark: *a little fear in his voice* I don't think a doctor should ever say "oh my gosh" when they look at a patient.

Dr. Gal: It's not that I don't know what's wrong with her. She has a bunch of scars and bruises on her stomach.

Mark: *concerned* What?

Dr. Gal: And from the looks of it, she has more. We need to get her to an OR.

Venus: Wait an OR? Doesn't that mean she needs surgery?

Dr. Gal: Yep. *goes to find and attending and takes April to an OR*

Doctor: *rushing in with four patients* I need a head CT and an X-ray!

Mark: Those are the guys. Those are the guys that attacked us. *goes to find a doctor * Hey excuse me. Those four guys that just came attacked us.

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