Soulmates AU

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I have a problem, and it's that I don't know who my soulmate is! I'm scared that it won't be Mitsuba, my best friend, nothing else

"Kou!! Aren't you going to make breakfast?" Teru asked and I snapped out of it, "Uh- yeah give me a second!!" I shouted while putting on my uniform and my earring. I brushed my teeth then quickly made Teru and my little sister some pancakes before I left to think in silence while walking. I looked at my pinky and saw the red string slowly appear, they say it only appears when your soulmates thinking about you, saying your name or when you make eye contact... I wonder who Mitsuba's soulmate is... I smiled and giggled, if it's a girl that he doesn't like, he's gonna freak out. I looked at my string slowly go away and I frowned

~ when he gets to school bc I'm tired and making this at 1:27 in the morning ~

"Mitsubaaaa!!!" I yelled and Mitsuba smirked, "Hey lame ass" Mitsuba said and I rolled my eyes, "Have you found out your soulmate yet?" I asked and Mitsuba shook his head, "If it's a girl, I'm gonna kill myself" Mitsuba said and I gasped, "Mitsuba stop overreacting! It doesn't have to be romantic" I said and Mitsuba held my hand, "Ok whatever" Mitsuba sighed and looked at the sky, "I think my soulmate is a boy" Mitsuba said and I smiled, "I think my soulmate is in my class" I said, "I think my soulmate is in our school" Mitsuba said I heard Yokoo scream suddenly, "AAAA WHAT THE FUCK?!" Mitsuba said and flinched, clinging onto my arm, "ME AND SATOU ARE SOULMATES!!!" Yokoo said and started kissing Satou all over his face, "Stop it babe a teacher might see~" Satou teased and Yokoo laughed, "Sorry boo boo bear-" I cut Yokoo off, "Why are you giving each other weird nicknames?" I asked

"Because we're married! It's obviously just a joke, we're messing around" Yokoo said and held Satou's hand and he blushed, as always, "So you gonna date each other?" I asked and Satou turned red while Yokoo blushed a little bit, "Uhhh I didn't think about that" Yokoo said and Satou cleared his throat, "Um anyways, have you found your soulmate?" Satou asked and I shook my head, "Nope" me and Mitsuba both said and looked at each other, smiling, "I bet you guys are each other's soulmates, did you know if you touch your soulmate you can see your string?" Yokoo said and I turned to Mitsuba, "I didn't know what, wanna try that out Mitsu?" I asked and Mitsuba smirked, "Sure, but there's no way my soulmate is a guy with a hella-lame traffic safety earring boy" Mitsuba said and I held his hand, "Why my hand..?" Mitsuba asked and I blushed, "Why not?" I asked and we both looked at our pinky's, I saw my string and my jaw dropped

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Mitsuba screamed on the of his lungs and ran away, "That's sweet" Satou said and Yokoo passed him a candy, "Thanks- woah are you ok?" Satou asked and I felt my face, why am I blushing so hard? I don't like Mitsuba right? "Oooo someone has a little crushhhhh~" Yokoo teased and I tensed up, "I-I'm gonna go..."

After school

"ARGHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAA!!!!" I ran into my house screaming, "Kou? What's wrong???" Teru asked a little too concerned, "Oh it's nothing" I said and cleared my throat. I quickly took off my shoes and ran into my room, I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it, "There's no wayyyyy!!" I yelled into the pillow, "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I yelled and Teru opened my door, ".....Kou..." I backed my head up and blushed, "Did you find your soulmate?" Teru asked and I turned red, "y-yes" Teru chuckled and closed the door before sitting next to me, "Do you like her?" Teru asked and I turned away, "It's Mitsuba" I said and Teru gasped but smiled, I glanced at him and he put his hand on my shoulder, "Do you like him?" Teru asked, "I don't know" Teru looked up and frowned, "Y'know, my soulmate doesn't like me" Teru said and I frowned, "Enough about me, what do you like about Mitsuba?" Teru asked

"I like his personality, his face, his girly hair, how he runs, smiles, compliments himself, trips, curses and-..." I paused, I like him don't I? "Shit I like him" I said and Teru smiled and patted my back, "Better confess soon, I'll be cheering for you" Teru said before leaving. I changed into my pj's and quickly made dinner before going to bed early, not even bothering saying goodnight

A week later

I should confess, I haven't been able to sleep for the past few nights... I sighed and put on my uniform as always but I ran out of the door instead of making my siblings breakfast, "I need to let put my feelings as soon as possible..!" I said to myself while speed walking. I saw Mitsuba walking and I yelled his name, "Mitsuba!! Meet me at the Sakura tree!!" I yelled and Mitsuba yelled a 'ok'. I blushed and took out a hand mirror to make sure I looked good and jogged to the Sakura/ Confession tree to see Mitsuba fixing his hair, "Hey Mitsu!" I said and put my bag down, "What did you want?" Mitsuba asked and I glanced away for a moment to see Yashiro and Hanako with thumbs up, I forgot I told them

2 days before~

"Uh guys I have a problem..." I said and Yashiro stopped cleaning the mirror, "I knew something was off!" Hanako said and Yashiro walked over to me, "What's wrong?" Yashiro asked and I blushed, "So Mitsuba's my soulmate and I have a crush on him but I don't know if I should confess" I said and Hanako gasped, "The kid's turning into a man..." Hanako wiped his fake tear away and Yashiro held in her laugh with what Hanako said, "I think you should confess!! Hmm...give him hints for the next 2 days and in the morning on Friday, YOU CONFESS!!!" Yashiro yelled the last part, "My luck is always higher on Fridays" Yashiro said and I chuckled, "Ok"

Back to now

"I have something to tell you.." I said and Mitsuba blushed, "Uh me too" Mitsuba said and I smiled, "Let's say it at the same time, it'll be funny if it was the same thing" I said and we counted from 5 to 4, 3, 2, and 1, "I LIKE YOU!!" We both yelled in sync, "Wha..." I said and ran out of air, "AGHAJDSONFABDJS????" I asked and Mitsuba burst out laughing, "AHAHAHAHA!!! HELLA-LAME TRAFFIC SAFETY EARRING BOY CANT WORK!!!" Mitsuba said and slowly stopped laughing, "Are you serious?" Mitsuba asked and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, "Your lucky your getting this from a cute guy" Mitsuba said before kissing me on the cheek, I turned red and started speaking Spanish (Hispanic Kou HC btw), "Aye no, esto no es real!! (Aye no, this isn't real!!)" I said and pinched myself, "Do you wanna be my boyfriend..?" "YES!!!"

1212 words

(Edit: sorry for cutting this off really quickly but I don't have a lot of motivation right now and my birthday is on the 28th so I'vebeen kinda busy lately, sorry!!)

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