The Coffee Shop

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Deo's POV:I really shouldn't have gone to sleep that late..  my head is spinning, what time even is it, it's only 11:00 AM, gosh I'm so lucky that I asked Tommy to meet me at 2:00 PM. I should go and get ready before I somewhat end up late.

I decided to wear a comfortable and casual outfit, so I chose a light orange sweater, a silver necklace and black jeans. 

Not too long after I started heading to the coffee shop, As I was walking along the I saw a store that sold plush's I went in since i had about 30 minutes to spare. I was looking around the store when I saw this blue narwhal plush and decided to buy it for Tommy as a gift, I paid and continued walking to the coffee shop which was only 5 minutes away.

When I entered the coffee shop i scanned to see if Tommy was already there, I didn't really spot him until he called out for me I smiled and walked over to him, as I sat he started looking at the paper bag I was holding.

Tommy: "Deo, what's in the bag you brought?"

Deo: "oh that, I bought something for you"

Tommy: "a gift.. FOR ME?!?"

Deo: "yes now look inside of it"

*Tommy opens the bag and looks inside*


Tommy: "LOOK AT HIM!1!"

*Deo laughing at Tommy's reaction*

Deo's POV: Tommy is so adorable when he's acting like this, then I snapped back and said "we better order before the day ends come on", "COME ON ITS ONLY 2:14 PM!!" Tommy replied, I roll my eyes and start looking at the menu.

Deo: "Tommy what do you want to order?"

Tommy: "I'll probably get a donut and a some tea"

Deo: "I'll take a cappuccino I guess"

Deo: "well I'm going to order now"

Tommy: "alright alright"

Tommy's POV: As Deo walked away he turned to look at me and smiled, I suddenly I felt a bunch of butterflies as he looked back and walked away. While he walked away I sat there dazed remembering how he looked like one of those fake Instagram photos with a bunch of filters, but it looked so real.

After I snapped out of it, I realised Deo was already back holding the tray of food in front of me smiling down. I then pulled my phone out and took a photo of him, he looked confused and said "that was sudden?" not knowing how to get out of this one I just thought of a quick excuse, "It's golden hour and I'm not letting go to waste by not taking photos" I then raised the phone up to him and asked if i should post it on Instagram, Deo looked embarrassed and just put the tray on our table, sat next to me with his knees crossed and started drinking his coffee. Goddamn I swear he's a natural model or something, I took another photo which he luckily didn't notice.

We just sat there for a couple minutes before Deo finally decided to start a conversation, we started getting comfortable and started telling stories and asking questions. Deo suddenly went silent and looked down, Huh... that's weird..

Tommy: "Deo you alright?"

Deo: "Tommy what do you think the future will be like?"

Tommy: "how am I supposed to know idiot"

Deo: "do you think we will still talk?"

Tommy: "duuuuhhhh!! we aren't gonna randomly stop talking"

*Deo staring with relief*

huh... does he think we're gonna stop talking? No we would never, would we?? damn this is concerning. I should probably check the time, it's probably late.

*Tommy checks his phone*

oh shit it's 5:30 PM, I better get going soon I have some work to do either way.

Tommy: "Deo, I think we better get going It's already 5:30"

Deo: "yeah we probably should"

Tommy: "I'll talk to you soon and I'm pretty sure we're gonna be meeting up at the aquarium with Luke and Bitzel next week"

Deo: "alright cya"

Tommy: "thanks for the plushy by the wayy!" (while walking off with the bag in hand)

Deo's POV: I didn't know 3 hours had gone by at all, I should probably start going back before it starts getting dark

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