Red Room

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Narrators POV (Flashback)

The Red Room became Zara's second home along with multiple Hydra locations, she would train with many other girls in the 'home'. The Red Room was like an orphanage for girls who are lost and have no family... or if their family was in debt they would go here. Sadly that wasn't the case for Zara, no one knew her story; to be honest she didn't know her own story, but here she is helping and training other girls to become the new Widows of the world.

Her and her fellow soldier was there to train a new generation of assassins, people that can blend in and walk away after committing such a serious crime. People that can kill and leave no trace behind, thats the sort of people that are created in the Red Room and once they enter the Red Room there is no escape.

The only person to ever escape the Red Room was a young woman called Natasha Romanoff or as she was was previously called Natalia Romanova. She had a sister in the Red Room called Yelena, sadly Yelena didn't make it out of the Red Room with her sister. She felt abandoned once again.

Yelena watched as the new female soldier came in with the usual soldier that they see, The Winter Soldier was no longer alone, he had a friend.

"Vdovy sobirayutsya vokrug, nemedlenno!" (Widows gather round, now!) Dreykov calls out.

All the widows in the room look round and walk in a straight line, lining up in soldier formation with their hands behind their back and standing tall. Dreykov looks at them all and nods towards Madam B for her to continue.

"As you can see we have a new soldier with us today, she unlike the Winter Soldier has powers. Extraordinary powers, you may call her Gemini and that is all; Like all of you she was broken, lost and we fixed her Hydra fixed her. Now as we have seen Hydra can do amazing things and we will always support Hydra in their workings to create the most powerful weapons. Gemini will be the start of showing that women can be powerful and strong and that men should fear us, because we are strong! We are powerful! We are beauty! and We are deadly! Hail Hydra!" She calls out the whole room responds with Hail Hydra.

"Now Zara is here to prove how strong she is, she will be having the honor of having the graduation ceremony early. She has agreed to let you all watch, if you are not strong enough to watch or walk away you will be punished severely." All the girls nod and Dreykov beckons Gemini over and has a gurney pulled out into the room.

"Girls take a seat you'll be here for a little while." Madam B states while handing Gemini a hospital robe, Gemini takes the robe and wraps it around herself before taking off her clothes. A sheet of medical tissue was rolled out onto the bed and she lays herself down on the bed.

"What do you say Gemini." Madam B says.

"I have no place in the world, there is no love for me and no family for me. I am a strong independent woman who will be showing the world that they need to fear women, that women are strong. I don't have a place in society, the way of Hydra is the only way. Hail Hydra." As Gemini finishes speaking her robes move up showing her lower stomach.

The widows in training watch the ongoing operation and a few looked away, meanwhile in the back a blonde haired girl is watching in terror but not showing it on her face. She wasn't old enough to have this yet, but she knew her sister had and her sister had left her, she was alone.

After a few hours the operation was finished she was once again injected with another serum, not the usual colour she has received, this one helped with her healing. They cart her away and close the doors behind them, the room full of girls disperse and they go back to their training.

Gemini gets up off the bed and walks over to Madam B, before kneeling in front of her. The 16 year old now truly has no future outside of Hydra and the Red Room, she had lost everything and now is fully dedicated to the life of Hydra and The Red Room.

"You and Soldat are the most powerful soldiers we have now, work on your powers and your skills. We will get you on some more serious missions now that you have nothing holding you back."

(Flashback over)

Waking up on the bed with just a simple mattress and a arm chained to the bed rail has become the norm for the female soldier.

Even though she had been with Hydra for a few years now, it doesn't stop them from taking the necessary precautions that they believe is needed.

Glaring at her arm and the chain beside her, she pulls her arm with some strength, and it falls apart like it was made of nothing. She gets out of bed and walks to her bathroom which is a small dirty room consisting of a small shower and a toilet with a sink.

The windows were bordered with bars and wooden planks, with the scent of mold being aired around the room by the small air-conditioning unit she has, she strips out of her night dress and underwear slowly running her hand over the large scar on her stomach.

Her memory that she had dreamed of flashing once again through her mind, she looked at herself again in the mirror and exhaled. Goosebumps rising on her skin she quickly enters the shower and turns on the water letting it spray over her face, the water was cold at first then slowly heated up but not to the extent where she could stay in it forever.

Downtime for her was her time of studying different languages or having a wash, her free time wasn't like the usual persons free time but for a the now 18 year old girl she didn't know what life was like out of Hydra.

A bang knocks on her door and interrupts her train of thought, she quickly gets out of the shower and throws a towel over her body, opening the door her co soldier walks in and hands her a file.

"Whats this?" She states before opening it and reading the content inside, she flicks through the pages and lifts up any extra sheets that are hiding the information inside. She nods and passes it back to him, before putting on her underwear under the towel and then dropping the towel all together leaving her in just her underwear. The soldier quickly looks away unsure where to look, the hidden desires of him wanting to look pulsates through him and his breathing quickens. Gemini puts her sports bra on and slips on her top.

She turns around to see her partner looking away. "Oh don't be too shy soldier, we work together no doubt we've seen each other naked or getting dressed before. Don't worry darling, I won't tell in you look, I mean I would look at you." She says slowly walking up to him and starts running a finger up and down his metal arm. " I'd look at all of you, even this. I wonder what you could do to me." He quickly turns and pins her to the wall next to them with his hand around his throat.

"This hand has done a lot of things to people, this arm has killed people, make sure you're not the next one." He says before snatching his hand away and walking with an uncertain look on his face. Gemini on the other hand smirks and gets the rest of her clothes on, she picks up the file and heads out of her room and into the main control room where all of the missions are discussed.

"Now you've all got your missions be ready to leave in fifteen minutes, Gemini come here I need to talk to you." She nods and the man in front of her points towards her. Gemini walks over to her him and stands at attention like a soldier would, straight back and arms down either side.

"Now how is my baby girl feeling?" He says pulling a strand of her hair away from her face. 

"Dad I'm eighteen no longer your baby girl." Gemini says breaking her stance.

"Now if you get interrupted by the Avengers, make sure you get caught, I'll make sure you have the details before you leave but you will have your usual partner with you." He states nodding over to the metal armed man.

"Ah yes happiest man of the year that can't have a joke. I don't know how people get through this place without having their sanity taken by them everyday." They both let out a little snicker and shake hands, hugs only happen after missions that she succeeds, missions where she fails its more brutal. She walks off and gets on her gear, the mission is ready to start.


Short chapter today, sorry been exhausted today just come back from honeymoon been at work just exhausted but I wanted to get this out.

Thanks for reading!

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