Hakurei Shrine Repairers

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Information about dialogue:

- "You" means standard dialogue

- You mean talking in thoughts

- "YOU" means angry, mad, or something like that

- *You* means expressions and actions


Albert: *Pouring the cement* "Tell me again, Captain. Why do we take this job?"

Theodore: *Sawing one block* "Because the job is simple"

Nakayoshi: *Carrying blocks of wood* "I miss traveling..."

Ranmaru: *Nailing broken wall* "Don't be such a whiner! You're 21 now!"

Nakayoshi: *Putting the woods to the ground* "But... okay then..."

Reimu: *Approaching them* "Theodore-dono! A letter from Pat- your wife!"

Theodore: *Taking the letter* "Really? Let me see"

Theodore: *Reading the letter* Huh? So she wants a Tuna? Isn't Gensokyo doesn't have a sea? Well, I'll buy her a chunk of catfish then...

  After the job is done, they get paid and Reimu tells them this is not from donation money, which makes Albert relieved. Tired, they went to Human City and spend most of their money there. Human City is located in central Gensokyo and after Theodore's order to centralize the Human villages and cities, they all come here and the abandoned villages and cities are demolished, thus this city quickly turned into some kind of metropolitan even though the size is not big.

Ranmaru: "God! What tiring work!"

Albert: "We still have to repair some of them though"

Theodore: "Albert's right, we must return there tomorrow morning"

Nakayoshi: "But, Captain-sama... I miss traveling..."

Theodore: "We will get traveling job or even travel by ourselves if the money is enough"

  They all sighed together and sip their drinks. The summer burns their skins as they work in the open field. What's more, no AC here, or at least have not yet appeared or dragged in. Only fan available and that doesn't do much.

  After that, they're separating, and Theodore back to his home while the others to Scarlet Devil Mansion where their lovers live. As he expected, his wife standing angrily in the guest room when he opened the base's door.


Theodore: "So much work... would you please give me a cold drink?"


Theodore: *Giving her a chunk of catfish* "Sorry, My Dear... only catfish..."

Patchouli: *Widening her eyes* "WHAT!? I TOLD YOU I WANT TUNA! NOT CATFISH!"

Theodore: *Sighed* "Sorry, My Dear... you know Gensokyo doesn't have sea, isn't it?..."

Patchouli: *Sighed too* "I know... I'm sorry, My Dear... It's just... some naughty Fairies knocking on the door repeatedly and when I opened the door, they're run away laughing... Their doings make me must going to surface over and over again..."

Theodore: *Holding her hand* It's okay, My Dear. Come sit with me and have a good time~"

Patchouli: *Giggling* "You naughty boy~"

  Meanwhile, at Scarlet Devil Mansion...

Sakuya: "Welcome home, Honey! How's the work?'

Ranmaru: "Frigging tiring! Don't you see all my sweats!?"

Sakuya: "Now, now~ no need to be angry~ here, hot chocolate~"

Nakayoshi: "I miss traveling..."

Meiling: "Don't be sad, Sweetheart. I'm sure we will go on traveling soon"

Nakayoshi: *Sighed deeply* "You think so?..."

Meiling: "100%, Sweetheart! Now I will give you a nice treat~"

Nakayoshi: *Cheered up* "Really!? Thanks, Sweetheart!"

Remilia: *Surprised* "Papa! You're back!"

Albert: *Panting* "What a day..."

Flandre: *Giving him a small chair* "Come and sit down, Papa!"

Albert: *Patting her head* "Thank you, My Little Darling! Sit on the floor and Papa will read you a story"

Both of them: "Yay~"

  Tomorrow morning, after they bid farewell to their lovers, they go to Hakurei Shrine to finish the remaining work. Today, unfortunately, is raining and they forget to bring their raincoats. Even though this condition is no stranger for them, still, they will get sick afterward. They were indeed sick after finishing all of their work. They come home with a big misery and their lovers soon take care of them.

Patchouli: *Wiping her husband's forehead* "I TOLD YOU TO BRING RAINCOAT!"

Sakuya: *Feeding her husband* "You forgot to bring your raincoat, isn't it?"

Meiling: *Changing her husband's clothes* "Look at this mess! Next time, steady your raincoat!"

Remilia and Flandre: *Giving their 'Father' medicine: "Please, Papa, don't forget your raincoat next time..."

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