Male Hinata Hyüga x Witch! /Female! Reader

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"Fairytale love" Genderbend Hinata Hyüga x Witch!/Female! Reader

Requested by: King-Tamxinia

Thank you for asking you didn't have to but you get a shoutout! Let's get on with the story!And I know in the title it's Hinata but I had to shorten it because of it saying that the word is spelled wrong sorry everyone!

Thank you for asking you didn't have to but you get a shoutout! Let's get on with the story!And I know in the title it's Hinata but I had to shorten it because of it saying that the word is spelled wrong sorry everyone!

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(And for your second outfit the tattoos will go with this one too!)

With (Y/N) her POV-

"Why can't I ever win a guys heart?" I said to myself as I sat in the forest near a riverbank to clear my head as I felt warm tears and I cried when I heard a voice and went to check it out I saw a girl and two guys and I watched them when it was as if the one in purple sensed me and looked over and I blushed at how cute he is while my heart fluttered out of control and I smiled and left back to my tiny home and fell asleep as I thought about the cute boy when I woke up to a strange noise and I began to panic when I rushed out to see the same people I saw earlier and I heard one of them speaking when I felt someone behind me and turned around to see one of the shadow makers behind me and I ran out as I saw the same people but I didn't care and shot a spell at the shadow makers when the boy I saw
Pushed me out of the way and we hit the ground and I was on top of him and blushed deeply and we both got up when we all ran and the pink hair boy said "Who are they!?" And I said "The Shadow Makers! They're after me! Because I'm a witch!" And I brought a tree down and we all bolted to a secluded house and we got inside when I cried out in pain as I realized that the shadow makers must've shot one of their spells at us and it somehow hit my side and and fell down as I felt someone pick me up and I heard "Norri see is you can find a first air kit! And Sora See if anyone is here!" And they both left when I slowly blacked out

With Hin his POV-

After the girl blacked out I panicked and called for my friends as soon as they heard me Norri came in with the First aid kit and handed it to me and Sora said he didn't find anyone else in the house and I got to work on the girl when I saw she was seriously injured and I began to stitch her up and once I was done I sat her on a couch and let her rest and put the kit somewhere safe just in case and I snuggled her in my arms gently as we all went to sleep

In the morning with (Y/N) her POV-

"Agh my head......" I said as I groaned In my sleep and tried to sit up when I couldn't move and saw an arm on my waist just above the wound and I saw the same cute boy as I felt my cheeks heat up and he slowly woke up and I scooted away and he said "Sorry!" And we quickly got up, and I left to change into something different

Once I was dressed I stepped outside and the Blonde haired girl said "You feeling better?" And I said "Yeah I am really sorry for dragging you all into this problem-" then the pink haired boy said as he came out "So how do you know the shadow make...

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Once I was dressed I stepped outside and the Blonde haired girl said "You feeling better?" And I said "Yeah I am really sorry for dragging you all into this problem-" then the pink haired boy said as he came out "So how do you know the shadow makers?" And I said as I made a seal appear under all of us "The Shadow Makers are a evil group of people who want to use the magic for their wicked ways" And then the Cute boy said as he stood behind me as my back faced the door "So wait you mean THE Shadow Makers that want to destroy Magic!?" And I nodded as the seal went away and I sighed when I stumbled into someone when they caught me in time and I saw it was the Cute boy I felt myself blush really red and I said "S-sorry!" And I pulled away and left as I tried my best to get him out of my thoughts but that didn't work to well and I huffed left to make some ramen and then the Blonde girl said "Is that Ramen I smell!?" And I said "Yeah-" and she took the bowl from me and I said "Hey!😂" And he said "I'm hungry!" I huffed and grabbed another bowl and the others came in and I left the room for a minute and took my heels off and came back in and worked on my bowl and I said as the Blonde girl left "Is she always like this?" And they both said together "All the time" And I giggled as the Pink haired boy helped me with my bowl and said "I'm Sora! This is Hin! And the Girl who took your bowl is Norri" And I said "It's nice to meet you all I'm (Y/N)" and we all chatted when I noticed Hin was looking at me and I smiled and he leaned against the bar and I said "Can I ask why you all were in my part of the forest?" And Norri said "We where being chased by the Shadow Makers" And I said "Fair point" And we all laughed when I said "They must be after The Scepter Of Dark Magic" Then Hin said "The Scepter Of Dark Magic?" I said "It's a dangerous thing it must never be used it was cursed under a Seal of magic and the Legend says that only the Chosen one can use it" And Norri said "Wait how do you know this information?" And I said "Because I was one of them........" And everyone was shock when I said "But I left a long time ago.......I guess they still aren't happy about it" Hin said as he hugged me from behind "I'm sorry......" And I said "I'm use to it" I blushed at the position we were in I felt myself flushed with Red even more when he kissed my cheek and walked away

With Hin his POV-

I don't know why but (Y/N) is winning my heart and I like it

A few months later with (Y/N) Her POV-

"Norri! Did you eat all of the Ramen!?" And she said "Sorry (Y/N)!" And I huffed and shot a spell at her and she squealed in fear as Sora and Hin came in and Hin held me back as I tried to Hit Norri when the building shook and I looked at them when I was hit over the head and Hin said "NO!!" And I

With Hin his POV-

When I saw one of the Shadows makers knocking out (Y/N) I snapped and punched the one of the shadow makers and I said after I ran over to her and kissed her when she kissed me back and I said after she pulled away "Hin-" then I said to Sora and Norri "We have to run-" then she said "I can help you escape...." Then she led the way and when we got to the entrance of the forest I looked back at (Y/N) and she looked at me when I said "Will you please come with me?" And she looked away when I kissed her and she did the same thing back and she nodded and we ran away

Time skip one year later with (Y/N) her POV-

"Babe where are you?" My Boyfriend Hin called out as he came into our shared home and I said "I'm in the kitchen!" And I turned around to see him in the doorway and I gave him his lunch and he said "So what happened while I trained with the girls?...

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"Babe where are you?" My Boyfriend Hin called out as he came into our shared home and I said "I'm in the kitchen!" And I turned around to see him in the doorway and I gave him his lunch and he said "So what happened while I trained with the girls?" And I said "Nothing really I just have been working on lunch for us" And he said as he pulled me close "I love you" and I said "I love you too Hin Hyüga" he smiled and kissed me I was happy that I got my happily ever after I guess fairytales do come true

Word Count: 1419

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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