Chapter 2

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All throughout the class, Anne couldn't help but glance Marcy's way, she didn't even care if she got caught, she was the lead quarterback for crying out loud, it wouldn't matter, it's not like anyone would be brave enough to question her, and she wasn't even doing anything suspicious either, so it was sort of a win in her books, she got to stare at a pretty girl without any judgement.

Though, the students around them weren't fazed, Marcy could feel the brunette's eyes gazing at her, and she couldn't help but steal a glance and raise her eyebrow whenever Anne would immediately look away and try to inconspicuously drum her fingers against the table.

Marcy was smart and well-informed about most things, but other people were not her forte, in fact, they were the thing she least understood, so it was safe to say she was more than a little confused when Anne kept staring.

She wondered if she had something on her face? Maybe left over chocolate on her lips from this morning in breakfast? Or toothpaste that she somehow missed when she had brushed her teeth this morning in a rush? Whatever it was, it had the brunette's eyes trained on solely her, and Marcy wasn't sure how to feel about it.

The loud bell rang signaling the end of the first period, Marcy immediately stood up and grabbed her things, causing Anne to snap awake from whatever daydream she was having and made her follow behind her.

They both tried their best to make their way safely through the halls, swarms of kids pushing past to try to reach their class came by, and Marcy was still unsure why Anne was following her, it's not like they were close friends or anything.

She took a glance to the girl to her side, a beat of silence passed before she asked, "Why are you following me?"

Anne seemed a little surprised by the question as her cheeks dusted with pink, most likely from embarrassment, but she still cleared her throat and tried to act confident, "We have the same class route, mine is next to yours so, figured we could walk together, you know?"

Marcy pursed her lips, dodging a girl who speedily walked past the both of them before turning her attention back to Anne, "Sure, but this is the first time you've ever used this route, you usually take the long one with all your jock friends."

Her voice was somewhat teasing, but once she saw the slight smug smirk on Anne's face, she knew she said something to cause it, accidentally, but still caused it nonetheless.

"You know my class route, huh?"

Marcy's eyes widened and she quickly shook her head, "No! It's just easy to take notice of these things when everyone talks about it!"

Anne laughed loudly, causing a few heads to turn and looks of adoration to spew from said people, Marcy took notice but didn't comment on any of them, instead focusing her attention on the girl in front of her who was trying to contain her giggles.

"Relax dude, I was joking, but that was weirdly cute."

Marcy huffed as her cheeks flushed, she quickly looked away, knowing Anne would just love the fact she was getting a reaction out of her, even if Marcy kept telling herself it was embarrassment and nothing else.

"It was not cute." Marcy muttered, causing Anne to grin again.

"It was very cute actually."

Marcy didn't say anything and instead just rushed to her class, yelling one last goodbye as she did before she disappeared.

Anne softly chuckled to herself, a lingering smile resting on her face.

She wasn't sure what was happening, but something was changing, Marcy had changed since she first known her, or maybe she was just starting to see what's always been there.

Whatever it was, Anne wanted more of it, and she hoped Marcy did too.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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