Part 3: Rise & Downfall...

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The next morning, Gabriel woke up early again. He got dressed for school, skipped breakfast, and left. Today, Gabriel would work with one of Avandale's friends, to help her get out of Baltimore, once and for all. Throughout the morning, before his lunch break, Gabriel anticipated finding Avandale and telling her the plan. However, part of Gabriel feared that Avandale wouldn't follow through if she found out. So, he decided that it was best to keep the plan to himself.

During his lunch period, Gabriel decided to call Avandale, to find out where he could find one of her friends. The phone rang 3 times before she answered. "Hello?" she said.

Gabriel swallowed hard. "Avandale, it's me."

"What now?" she groaned, an edge to her voice.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to know something."

"Okay," she replied, "I'm listening."

"Who is that girl that you sit next to, in English? Do you know where I could find her right now? I have to talk to her about something important."

Avandale's voice sounded suspicious as she spoke. "Since when do you care about talking to my friends?"

"Just tell me," Gabriel begged.

"Fine," Avandale answered. "The girl you're referring to is Jade Parker. She's in lunch right now."

"That's great," Gabriel boomed. "What table is she sitting at?"

Avandale sighed. "She is sitting at the last table, in Row 3." Before Gabriel could reply, Avandale spoke again. "I have to go right now. I'm in class. But if you do something stupid, I swear to God, I'll never speak to you again."

Gabriel chuckled. "Thanks, sweetheart. I won't do anything. I promise. Just have a little faith in me."

Avandale hesitated, then said, "Okay. I trust you." Then, she hung up the phone.

Gabriel pumped his fist when the call ended. He had Avandale's trust that he would help her. Now, he just had to find Jade. Once he had Jade's support, the plan would work successfully. Gabriel stood up and looked around the cafeteria. After about a minute of searching, Gabriel spotted Jade and her table. When he looked at the clock, by the cafeteria doors, it said: 12:40 pm. He had 30 minutes to explain everything to Jade. He walked over to her table.

When Jade saw Gabriel at her table, she looked confused. One of the other girls spoke up. "What are you doing here? Aren't you the new boy that likes Avandale?"

Gabriel nodded. "Yes, I am Gabriel. I need to speak to you, Jade. It's about Avandale."

Jade stood up. "Girls," she said, "give me a minute. I'll be back when I'm done with this guy." Jade followed Gabriel back to his table. "Okay, what do you want?" she asked, once she sat down. "I don't have all day."

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Listen," he said, "I'm not here to bother you. But your friend, Avandale, is in danger and needs help. I didn't know who to call, but you."

"Alright," Jade answered. "So what does Van need help with exactly?"

Gabriel's legs trembled in fear of Jade's response.

"Avandale is not safe here, in Baltimore. I need your help so that I can help her get out of the city."

"What are you asking me to do?"

"I need you to help me get Avandale to the airport."

Jade hesitated. "Where is she going to go?"

Gabriel smiled. "I have a safe place back home. I wanted you to meet Miss. Williams. She is a nice, older lady that would love to help a girl like Avandale. She can help her with work and school. Plus, it would just be Avandale in the house with her. So she would be safe."

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