Part 4: Whose Hero?

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Gabriel opened his eyes slowly and looked around him. He was in a dark, gray room. The room was small, and there were 2 chairs in the corner. Then, Gabriel looked down at his lap. He was lying in a white and green gown, in a hospital bed. He looked to his left. An IV was connected to his arm, and a pulse monitor, to his index finger. That's when it hit him. Gabriel had survived the attack.

Once Gabriel could hear and see everything clearly, he noticed 2 shadows outside of his room. The shadows shared the most heartbreaking sounds ever. It was a sad mix of a man, crying violently, and a woman, who was begging God for mercy. It was Mary and Franklin. They probably thought that Gabriel was going to die. He tried to call his father, but could only whisper. "I'm alive, Dad," he said. Gabriel tried to shift to one side but was stopped by great pain. He cried out loud in response. Franklin and Mary must've heard because they rushed into the room.

When Franklin stood before his son, Gabriel looked at him in sorrow. He saw anger, sadness, and fear in his father's eyes. Seeing Franklin this way made Gabriel want to cry. Mary, who stood behind him, ran outside, to get a doctor. He could hear his grandmother's words as she left. "Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for saving my baby."

Gabriel smiled faintly and looked at Franklin. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Gabriel began to say. But Franklin quickly hushed his son. "That's not important right now," he said. "The important part is that you made it, champ!" Franklin rushed over to his son and hugged him, happy tears falling from his eyes.

Just then, the doctor came into the room. He sat down with Gabriel and explained that somebody witnessed him get stabbed, and had called for help. The police found the person who hurt him, too. The doctor also explained that Gabriel had undergone a laparotomy and that he had had the wounds in his stomach closed. He was still in critical condition, but now, it was more than likely that he would survive. He could go home in 2 weeks, and begin his new chemotherapy treatments, as soon as he was better. Then, the doctor left the room.

Once the doctor had left, a police officer, followed by 2 girls ran into the room. It was Avandale and Jade. Avandale walked up to Gabriel first. "I knew you were a fool," she said, her voice choking up. "But I never knew you would be the fool to save my life." She looked Gabriel in the eyes with tears and smiled. Then, she leaned in, and kissed him on the lips. Gabriel was caught by surprise. But he didn't reject the kiss for a second.

When Avandale released Gabriel, Jade walked up to him and hugged him. "You sure are a fighter," she said. "How are you feeling, buddy?"

Gabriel nodded weakly. "I'm okay."

That's when the policeman stepped forward. "Now that we know that Gabriel is stable, I'm going to need a few minutes to speak to him alone. That's when Mary, Franklin, and the girls left the room and closed the door.

The policeman pulled a chair from the corner, over to Gabriel's bedside. "My name is Detective Haines," he said. "I am here to find out what happened yesterday, on Thursday, September 30, 2021. I will be on my way, as soon as I get my statement from you. Just answer the questions honestly, and to the best that you can remember."

Gabriel nodded, understandingly. Then, Detective Haines set up a recorder and began asking his questions. "Gabriel," he said, "where were you, yesterday, at 2:00 pm?"

"I was walking home from school," Gabriel replied.

"What happened while you were walking home from school?"

"I was walking through an alley, to take a shortcut to my grandma's apartment. I didn't see anybody in the alley. Before I knew it, somebody in winter attire ran up behind me, covered my mouth with his hand, and stabbed me in the stomach twice."

"Did you see your attacker?"


"Could you identify him in a line-up?"

"Yes. His name is Brandon Casey. He goes to school with me. He's in my English and P.E. classes."

"Good," said Detective Haines. "Now, did you see your attacker's weapon?"

"Yes, sir. He had a short, black knife."

"Okay, last question. Why did this person attack you?"

"Brando was threatening the life of a girl you saw today. When I met her, I saw beauty and potential, and somebody who deserved better. I made it my mission to save her, even after he tried to threaten me into backing out. When he realized that the story wasn't going to end his way, he came looking for revenge."

Detective Haines ended the recording and looked at Gabriel. "The story still isn't ending his way," he said. "The young man that assaulted you is lucky that he isn't facing murder charges right now. He'll be going away for a long time. But you can't ever do something like this again. What you did was very brave for a kid. But you may not be so lucky next time. I hope you get better. I'll be in touch with you and your family when it comes time for you to testify in court." With that, Detective Haines shook Gabriel's hand and left the room, inviting everybody else back in.

When everybody was back in the room, Jade and Avandale came before Gabriel. "Listen, bud," Jade said, "Avandale and I waited for you to wake up so that she could say goodbye. I'm about to drive her to the airport. I bought her plane ticket after school yesterday. I called her before we heard about your attack, and convinced her to go to Florida. She's all packed. Her flight leaves in an hour, and Miss. Williams should be expecting her soon."

Just then, Avandale sat on the side of Gabriel's bed, next to him. She looked into his eyes, hers glassy with tears. Gabriel took her hand and spoke to her. "This is your opportunity to fly. I just want you to know that meeting you now was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Avandale smiled. She squeezed his hand, closed her eyes, and sang softly.

"Did you ever know that you're my hero?

You're everything I would like to be."

Gabriel joined in. "I can fly higher than an eagle.

Cause you are the wind beneath my wings."

Avandale let go of Gabriel's hand gently and made her way to the door. Before she walked out, she turned around, and they harmonized once more.

"Cause you are the wind beneath my wings."

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