My Mom's past comes to light

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     " Bye mom I'll see you in Sunday. " I said before getting into the car. " Be safe Josephine. " My mom said before my dad pulled away. " Bye Dad. " I said getting out of the car. " Don't do anything I wouldn't do kid. " My dad shouted as I walked into my best friends house. I hadn't seen her for six months. She goes to another school far away, and she's at her dad's house on weekends. " I'M BACK BITCHES!! " I screamed walking into the living room where Olivia and Briot my best friend in the whole world was standing. " Joise poo! " Briot screamed as she huged me. In her arms I always felt like nothing else mattered. She was my home. " Hey hoe. How have you been. " Olivia said. " Not bad slut how have you been? " I asked her. " Not bad. " Olivia said. Olivia was not the person to tell you if she had mental health issues or issues at home. She liked to shut people out, but she liked Briot and I and I was okay with that. If harm ever came to the two of them I would never ever be the same. About four hours in while we were laying on the couch cuddling and watching Grey's Antony. I know some people would think we were a gay threesome but none is cared ever. I got a phone called that changed my life for ever. " Hello is this Josephine Barkley? " The person in the other side of the phone asked. " Yes this is. May I ask who this is? " I said questioning who this was. The only people who had my number set any friends and family. " We are very sorry to say that you parents Tammy and Andrew Barkley were killed in a car crash.... " And that's when my whole world fell apart.  " Josephine let's go we are going to be late for the funeral! " I heard my Grandmother scream from the kitchen. Don't get me wrong I loved my Grandmother I really do but she can be a little to much at some points. " I'm coming Grammy! " I screamed as I slide on my black high heels. I probably shouldn't be wearing this dress because it's kind of a  slutty dress but bits the only black dress I own. I never thought that I'd lose my parent at such a young age. My parents had a big family trip planed in a week and the company wouldn't let me cancel the trip so I was gpu g with Briot and Olivia. They said and I quote " You need some cheer up time. You can't stay locked up in your room forever. " But that's all I wanted to do because my whole world has  fallen  apart. I got into the car holding my speech that everyone insisted I did. Since I was an only child everything got left to me. I always thought it was weird because my dad always wanted a son but my parents only had me. I watched out the window as We pulled up to the cute little church my parents made me go to my whole life. I walked up the old stone steps with Briot holding my hand keeping me from leaving we sat down in the front. I just sat there numb not paying any attention until an unfamiliar man walks in. Then Briot taps you on the shoulder. " Jo it's time for your speech. " Briot said getting my attention. I stood up and walked up to the front. " Most of you kneaw my parents either from work or from when the were kids. But I've knew them as loving and caring parents. They wanted nothing more than for me to succeed In life which I was thankful for. My father always told me never to live in the past but a future without them seems like hell. But I'm moving on to the best of my abilities. I make not apologies as to how I choose to repair what there death broke. I am looking  ahead with my walls up because I don't ever want to feel the pain that there death caused me. I loved them more then life it's self. If my father were here he would tell me keep that head up kid and never ever lose your heart. And I won't lose my fire because that's what they would have wanted. I always wanted  a little sibling so I got a puppy. There are some things my mother never wanted me to know but I'll find out some how. I am going to miss them so much. I will move forward knowing that they are watching over all of us keeping us safe. " I looked down before sitting back down. Briot rubbed my back to try and keep me from crying. It didn't  work because I missed my parents more than life it self.

           My mother always told me that I'd have to live without them one day but I never knew that it would happen so soon. I still had a lot of growing up to do but now I'd say I'm pretty grown up. It's been two months since they died and I feel like shit. There is nothing that can take away the pain of them being gone. I start 9th grade in two months that'll at least give me a distraction for awhile. Then there was a knock on my door and let me tell you something before I open the door. My parents left everything they had to me but I can't have any of it till I'm 18 and I'm talking millions of dollars. " Who is it" I asked. " There is someone you need to meet Jospehine. " I heard my  grandmother say. " Okay I'll be down in a minute grandma. " So I get out of bed change my clothes and freshen up my makeup. Then I walk downstairs and see a man on my couch.

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