My Father...?

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" Josephine this is Robert Downey  jr. " My grandmother said.  Like I didn't know that he was my favorite  celebrity. " You act as if I don't know him every one on the plant knows him. " I said. " Well not everyone gets the pleasure of meeting me in person. Or for me to be there father. " Robert said. "No my father is dead. He died in a car crash. My father is dead. I saw his body he's dead." I looked at my grandma tears running down my face. " It's true kid. He is your father. He has been since the day you were conceived . " My Grandmother said. " How is that possible my parents were married for 27 years. My mother would never cheat on my father. " I said getting annoyed. " Your mother and I dated about 15 years ago. Your mother left me without. Saying anything. She took all her stuff and left. Then she called me nine months later telling me she was pregnant with you and she didn't want you to live in the spotlight, so she took you away. She would send me your art work or pictures of you. I had to be happy with that because she said if I ever got near you she you never let me meet you. So I didn't come around but she promised me that once you turned 18 I could finally meet you. To keep you safe your mother married Andrew. You mother was apart of something very dangerous. " Robert said calmly. I have in and have him a hug. He held me rubbing my back to calm me down. " As your father I was wondering if you wanted to come live with me in LA. " Robert asked me pulling away to look at me. " What about my life here? " I asked him sitting down next to him on the couch. " I was thinking during the school year you can stay here and I'll buy us a house here. Then during the summer you could come to LA with me. " Robert said. " I'd Love that. " I said. Most kids would be upset with this decision but I needed to have change. I couldn't stay here for ever. " Great out flight leaves on Wensday which give you to days to pack what ever you want to bring. I have a room designer who will be there when we arrive so that you can design your room. Also my personal fashion designer will be there for yo as well. " Robert said. " Okay I just need time to call my girls and tell them I'll be gone. Can you cancel my trip to Florida please the company would not let me do it.'  I asked Robert. I hope he'll accept the fact that I won't call him Dad. Dad has to be earned its more then just a name. He just said okay so I went upstairs and called Briot and Olivia. " Hey girls. I have some news. I am moving with my father to LA. And I know what your thinking No your father is dead. Turns out my real dad is Robert Downey Jr. He wants me to move in with him and I will be on Wednesday. But I'll be here for school and sports he agreed to let me finish school here. " I said. I'm pretty happy about it honestly  but the silence on the other end of the phone the girls aren't. " Girls I get a chance to get to know my real dad and you guys aren't happy about it?!? " I asked. " Jo it's not that we aren't happy for you it's just you'll be leaving all of us here. You won't be the same once you come back. " Briot said. " I will be the same girl I am now. Hopefully a little less broken but I need to do this. This is what my father would have wanted. For me to know my real dad because he never got to know his real dad. My dad only ever wanted what was best for me. He knew I weren't his daughter but he treated me like his own and I would never ever replace those fourteen years I spent with him. He's the one who taught me how to ride bike bike, how to throw and catch a Softball he was my hero. He still is my hero. " I hung up and started packing a duffle bag full of stuff I wanted to take with me. Then I sat on my bed and started crying. Now Robert he must have herd me because he came in and he calmed me down. " Hey sweetie it's okay. It's okay to cry. " Robert said. He rubbed my back. " I know it's just my mother never really liked me like I knew she loves me but it's like she couldn't fully love me. But my dad he did everything for me everything he did it was for me. I don't  understand who would want to kill them because I know it was not an accident. My dad was the nicest person I'd ever ment. My mom used to sing me a song which I understand now. " I said. " It probably went something like this? Hush little princess don't you
Cry everything's gonna be alright. I know Daddy's not here right now and we don't know why we feel how we feel inside but I promise we're gonna be alright. " Robert said. " I'm buy a diamond ring for you I'm a sing for you I do anything for you to see you smile. " I said. " If the mocking bird don't sing and that ring don't shine ima break that birdies back and I'll go back to the jewelry who sold it to you and make him eat every carrot don't fuck with dad. I wrote you that song I'm surprised your mother sang it to you. " Robert said. " I know my parents were not in a car accident or we went an accident they were murdered. My dad doesn't drink. I don't really know about my mom but he wouldn't even drink a drop. " I said crying again. " Your right for parents were murdered and I'm going to find out by who soon. But first I have a daughter to take care of. " Robert said. Robert kisses my forehead before leaving the room. So I decided to get some sleep because tomorrow I fly to LA.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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