Chapter 2- War

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Chapter 2- War

Bella's POV

I wake up to my alarm beeping at me.
"Crap!! I'm late I'm late!" I mutter under my breath as drag my self off my warm bed onto the cold carpet floor.

20 minutes later I'm ready and for once my hair and makeup look okay, even though there's no one to really impress at the hell hole (aka school.)

The doorbell rings and I shout out bye to my family knowing it will be Darcy.

"Hey how are you?" I ask her. I haven't seen her in a while so im happy to see her again.
"Well I'm fine but that was before I woke up early and remembered I'm going to school." She said whilst I nodded in agreement.
The walk to school was nice until I remembered where I was going and then it was a long drag.

As I entered the form I breathed a sight of relief, Oscar had not arrived yet. The other boys were in form but they don't normally bother me unless Oscar is there being his annoying self. Me and Darcy talked for a bit when I heard his voice.
"Great." I mutter bluntly under my breath.
"I'm sure he won't do anything, you haven't seen him for 6 weeks!" Darcy whispered to me.
Just as he walked around the corner I replied, "that's what worries me."

"DARCY!!" I hear his annoying voice call, he always does this to annoying everyone. Ignore until I see him coming my way.
"Hey where's my reply??" He asks coming to stand next to my chair.
"Haha you don't deserve one." I say turning away from him.
"And why is that?" He asks with that annoying smirk of his.
"Well you know why, but give me a reason to be nice to you." I say knowing this will be a challenge to him.
After a few seconds pause he replies with, "because it's me!"
Both me and Darcy burst into laughter.
Through our bunch of giggles Darcy somehow managed to get out "Oscar that's a reason not to."
Oscar walked away with a huff knowing we'd beaten him, for once.
"Well at least we got rid of him" Darcy stated.
I replied with a mumble of agreement as I was too busy trying to get signal on my phone so my text to Dani would send.
Just as my text sent to Dani asking where she was she walked in the door. Both me and Darcy where on our feet and running to hug her.
As she walked back to her seat next to ours we told her all what has already happened.
"He's been to easy" dani replied whilst looking over at him suspiciously as he talked 'banter' with the other people in our form.
As we all just about start a conversation Charlotte walks in, each one of us stops our conversation and groans in annoyance.
She walks over to her seat losing her shoe mind walk and me having to stifle a laugh. She greets us, ask how we have been and then starts talking about her holiday, luckily I had remembered to leave one earphone in from walking to school so I turned up the music and drowned her voice out.
During this 10 minutes of listening to one direction, ed sheeran, 5sos and music from 2010 I thought about my two closest friends and how weird our relationship was, we don't see each other in the holidays nor do we really speak however it works for us and we are unspeakably close. Out of us 3 dani is the prettiest and has many boys after her but not anyone good so she ignores them but she is also the smartest, then comes me the typical geek look with glasses and being very quite and shy however my grades aren't very high and lastly Darcy who is very sociable and comes after dani in the prettiest and has beat us in the boyfriend category by having 1 boyfriend since the beginning of secondary school however her grades are just passes. We are a mismash however that's we all fit as in no way are our lives easy.
Bursting my thought bubble I hear Oscar greeting Harry and by reading their body language and facial expressions I can tell they are talking about us. This leads me to think why out of all the people did Oscar pick us, we aren't well known (in our classes people sometimes still don't know who we are) and in form there are people at his 'status' and just below so I don't see why focusing on us would make him any better off. As he walks past I see something in him spark off and I then know that this is war.
Sorry this is short and really late I've been really busy and got stuck on this part of the story as this is where it leaves what has actually happened minus the popularity of 'Oscar' and his looks as that is a lot lower than Dylan o'brien. However next week I too go back to school and I will have a new form tutor who happens to be my history teacher who can be okay but sometimes not. Also I go back to the real 'Oscar' however recently his attention has been turned to 'Darcy' so hopefully I'm in the clear.

The boy who stole my bag (on hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora