Chaper 1- The unforgivable past

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Chapter 1- The unforgivable past

Bella's POV

I still don't get it, why does he hate me?

I've had this thought in my head for the past hour, it's currently a Sunday and tomorrow we go back to school after a two week break. Yay I get to see my friends but also will be reunited with him, Oscar "Devil " Stevens.

I can't remember where our hatred came from or when it started but since our forms changed in year 9 and he was in my form it became a war. We didn't knew each other before hand, I don't think so as I would remember his annoying face and childish behaviour.
But it wasn't just me at the beginning though one of my closest friends Darcy was also part of his hate list.
Paper balls and aeroplanes, spiders and just plain annoyance and a year on it still continues but snow has been added to that list but not from him but his side kick Harry.
Harry is a short boy with dirty blonde hair who happened to have attended my primary school.
However Harry has a favourite, my friend Charlotte who got on my nerves as she tried to be close to us (us as in me, Darcy and Dani) but she didn't fit.

The forms team is mainly sided to Oscars. Why? Well he happens to be one of the most popular kids at school, rumours say he is rich and has met a lot of celebs including, One direction and Beyoncé.

Even I have to admit to have some jealousy.

But what makes it worse is he is quite good looking. But his personality is so horrible and ugly it over powers it.

But one thing I can never forget or forgive is the incident with my bag.

For a few weeks Oscar and Harry had been stealing our stuff but gave it back in the end but don't worry we got them back for it so it was all okay.

Until one day where it all go out of hand.

Oscar has my bag and hung it out of the window, I luckily had my phone on me but still it being hung out of window angered me, we were on the 1st floor (a floor below us) but what it worse was the fact that the area below my bag was enclosed and you had to have a teacher to open it and go in with you.

Even other people were calling him to stop it but he didn't.

Darcy managed to get it back for me and I grabbed it and stormed out of the room.
I cried. I ran and cried. I stopped and just wandered back to form and my friends came and found me.

That day started this war.

And tomorrow i was going back into it all.


So hey guys, this first chapter is kinda based on what happened to me but I can assure the guy isn't hot but yes he did have my bag half way through the window. However as previously stated after a few chapters it will go off being inspired about what happened but I thought it would be a good idea to put into a book.

Hope you like this chapter, please comment and vote!!

The boy who stole my bag (on hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora