The Demon Doctor

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Hinami and I made it to the village that evening, and Tanjiro was nowhere to be found.

Hinami: He must not be here yet?

Kane: Looks like it.

I looked a wall in the distance, and I could smell... something, on the other side.  It was a familiar scent.  I thought about it and my eyes widened.  I walked towards the wall as Hinami looked confused.

Hinami: What are you-

I put my hand against the wall as it passed right through.  Hinami walked over, surprised.

Kane: Come on.

I walked through the wall, staring at a house that was not there before.  Hinami tensed, her Ukaku forming behind her.  I put my hand up.

Kane: It's fine, the people here are friends.  I spent a year here after that first Final Selection...

I walked up to the door, but before I could reach for the handle, it opened.

Yushiro: Who are you, and what is your business here?

I smirked, crossing my arms.

Kane: Come on, Yushi.  It's only been a year, surely you remember me.

He sighed, glaring at me.

Kane: I told you not to call me that.  And who's she?

He pointed towards Hinami.

Kane: A close friend.

Yushiro: Is she human?

I shook my head.

Yushiro: Then why is she out in the sun?

Hinami groaned in frustration as her eyes turned pitch black with red pupils.

Kane: She's a Ghoul, just like me.

Yushiro: I see... please, come inside.  I'm sure Lady Tamayo will be happy to see you again.

We followed him inside as he led us into a room, where there was a lady with her back turned to us.  There was also an operating table and a variety of other medical tools.

Kane: Nice to see you again, Tamayo-Sama.

Tamayo turned around, smiling at me.

Tamayo: Ah, it's been a long time Kane Kabuki.  How is Isa?

Kane: Well, she's a Hashira now, so I guess that speaks for itself.

Tamayo smiled, turning back to her work.

Tamayo: Well I'm glad that you're both-

She froze midsentence, dropping her pencil.

Tamayo: He's... here?  In the city?

My eyes widened, there was only one person who Tamayo was afraid of.  I walked towards the door.

Tamayo: Kane, where are you going?

Kane: If he's here, then I'm killing him tonight.  I'll see to it that he pays for what he did to my mother, and every other life he's destroyed.

With that I dropped into the shadows, appearing in the city.  The sun was gone and the moon was starting to come up.  And that meant that Muzan was probably out.  I heard screaming, and looked down the street where I saw Tanjiro, pinning a demon on the ground.  I appeared next to him, emerging from his shadow and swiftly cutting off the demon's head.  A woman nearby fell to her knees, sobbing.

Woman: My... my boyfriend...

I knelt next to her, putting my hand on her shoulder.

Kane: I'm sorry for your loss, miss, but I couldn't let him kill anyone.  I assure you... he felt no pain.

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