Final Selection

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Kane: So why'd you call me here, Urokodaki-Sensei?

Urokodaki: Kane, I had another student recently, and they've set off for Final Selection.  He cut the largest boulder yet, but...

I sighed, kneeling down next to him.

Kane: You're worried he'll kill him, just like the others.

Urokodaki didn't respond.  He just looked down, and despite the mask, I could tell he had a sad look on his face.

Kane: Alright then.

I stood up, repositioning my scythe on my back.

Kane: I'll watch over him during the test.  It's about time I retook the test and joined the corps anyways.  After all the shit my sister gave me for abandoning the test last time...

Urokodaki: I... thank you, Kane.

Kane: Of course.  One more thing... do you still have my mask?

Urokodaki chuckled, walking into a back room and coming out with a mask wrapped in cloth.  The mask I had carved with him.

Urokodaki: Just remember... don't reveal it to them.

Kane: It's a last resort.  Besides, I've never eaten another human.  I've only eaten demons, so I have no thirst for human blood.  And I have a feeling there will be plenty of both.

I heard the floor creak in the other room, and a specific scent hit my nostrils.  I pulled my scythe off my back.

Urokodaki: WAIT!

I froze right before I was about to attack, as a figure stepped through the door.


That was about a week ago.  I left Urokodaki's home yesterday, and made it here last night.  It's now evening of the next day.  I looked around at the other Demon Slayer Candidates, noticing one boy in particular.  He had a fox mask on the side of his head, as well as a large scar on his forehead.  I walked over to him, sticking my hand out, pretending I didn't know who he was.

Kane: Hey, are you a student of Urokodaki?

The boy looked at me, smiling.

Tanjiro: Yeah, I am.  My name is Tanjiro Kamado.

I shook his hand, putting on a small smile.

Kane: Nice to meet you.  The old man took in my sister and I years ago, though this is my second time at Final Selection.

This was true in a sense.  The first time, I should've passed it with flying colors if I'd finished, but I left to pursue... someone else.

Tanjiro: Oh, that would mean you know Sabito and Makomo, right?

Kane: W-what?

Tanjiro: Yeah, they helped train me!

My eyes widened.  But... they were... how does he know their names?

Kane: Oh, y-yeah.  We were... good friends.

I felt tears coming to my eyes, and turned away.

Kane: I-I'm gonna go prepare myself.  Good luck, man.

With that I dropped into the floor, moving through the shadows.  I emerged on the other side of the group, next to a boy who looked terrified.  He had orangish yellow hair, and a yellow and orange haori.

Kane: Hey, are you alright?

The boy jumped at my voice, looking at me.

Zenitsu: No, I'm NOT alright!  Does anything about me look "ALRIGHT" to you?

The Last Ghouls (Male OC x Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now