Sam and Dean arrive at a secret men of letters bunker, that was made specially for them. Dean cuts the light on and its heaven for the boys, there was amazing tech for Sam to nerdgasm over, and for Dean burgers, pie and porn. He laughs and says "man let's just stay here and make this the official bunker." Dean picks up a note that reads "Hey Sam and Dean, I made this safe house for you just in case you guys finally decide to come here. Happy Hunting love Eric Kripke." Dean says "I dont know who the hell Eric Kripke is, but I'm gonna send him a fruit basket." Sam says "maybe its Chuck?" The boys look at each other and say "Nah." Sam grabs the fancy laptop on the table and runs to his room "I'LL DO SOME RESEARCH" Sam yells. Dean looks at the Busty Asian Beauties magazine and says "I'll do some research to Sammy, by God I'm gonna do some research."
30 minutes later they each come out of their rooms, "Hey Dean I found some information about- WHAT THE HELL, Dean what happened?" Dean comes out of his room with a full grown beard, looks like he hasn't shower in days, and his right arm is as big as his body. "Um hey Sammy...I uhhhhhh discovered Internet porn, there's a lot of porn their..I'll be right back." Dean runs off to his room, but Sam grabs him and stops him. "NOOOO, MY PRECIOUS!!!" Dean fighting to get Sam off of him so he can go back to pornhub. "Damn it Dean, we've got a case here the one you've been wanting to do for years." Sam chains Dean up so he can recover from the porn addiction.
While the boys were doing research, the Mystic Falls gang were as well. "So the giant hottie and his brother are hunters" Caroline sighs. "Why do I always fall for the murderers?" Damon says "Welcome to Mystic Falls Caroline, home of murderers and supernatural creatures" Stefan smirks. Damon looks at the computer and pulls up information about the brothers. "Sam and Dean Winchester, it says here they're brothers, mother died in a house fire when they were kids, dad of a heart attack 20 years later. Oh get this Bon Bon, you and blondies boyfriends went on a murder spree couple years ago. Jeez these two have died more than Jeremy and Matt put together" Jeremy throws a bottle of burbon at Damon, but he dodges it and catches the bottle. "Hey, don't waste the good stuff, use the cheap stuff next time. Damon takes a sip and throws it to Alaric.
Sam pulls up research on the Mystic Falls gang. "Dean take a look. It says here Stefan and Damon Salvatore. They are brothers, died in 1864." Dean asks "Then how the hell are they still alive?" Sam came to a speculation that maybe they are vampires. Dean frantic said "wait, please tell me Bonnie isn't a vamp?" Sam said no and Dean with excitement jumped in the air and did a split "Yahtzee!!!!" Sam adds "But my girls a vamp and yours is a witch" Dean yells "SON OF A BITCH!!! Well maybe we can kill the rest and save those two, right Sammy?" Sam was unsure, but he knew Caroline was too damn fine to be sent to purgatory. Eventually Sam agreed with Dean and said "okay, but if you try to steal her like my prom date you're dead." Dean agrees and the bros high five and storm out the bunker.
"So what are we gonna do about Bonnie and Caroline's boyfriends" asked Elena. Jeremy, Bonnie, and Caroline stared at her with anger. "What I was just wondering" Back in the impala the boys are driving back to town to do some investigation. Sam asks "so what are we gonna do?" Back at the Salvatore mansion. Stefan says "what we do is first see if they want to kill us or not." Dean says "we find them and kill them, then Damon says "no we kidnap them, let Bonnie and Caroline have their fifty shades of grey moment and then kill them." Damon winks at them and takes another shot. Sam says "sure but do you think our girls are gonna just stand there and let us kill their friends." Dean replies "well they better cause all's fair in love and war. But I do know one thing-" Damon says "well I do know one thing-" Then simultaneously Dean and Damon say "It's Hunting Season."

The Supernatural Diaries
FanfictionThe time has finally come for the boys to take a trip to Mystic Falls.