sick day

585 12 13

requested by somniphobie

the blonde slowly opened his eyes and looked around his room, he groaned feeling his head ache; he got up from his bed, feeling weak. 'greatt im sick..". he thought, he ran a hand through his hair, a familar sound starting playing, the boy quickly looked over to his side seeing his phone ringing, he grabbed his phone seeing 'drew🐻❤️ is calling you'

he answered the call "hello?". jake speaks,his voice sightly rough. "Jake where are you?". the magenta boy questioned "school is starting soon". the shorter boy added.  "im not coming today, i feel sick". the strawberry blonde answered "ill be there soon, okay?".
before jake could answer he heard drew hang up.

he smiled, the he started sneezing, he sighed as he walked to his living room he sat on his couch, waiting for his boyfriend to come, a couple minutes go by, as he heard the front door open he quickly got up, seeing his magenta haired lover quickly shut the door,he looked at his lover, he was wearing his usual outfit, black hoodie with gray sweatpants, he was also holding a plasic bag, jake watched the shorter walk up to him, drew put his cold hand on the others forehead, making jake flinch a bit, "holy shit you're burning up". drew grabbed his hand, dragging him to his bedroom


they arrived in the blondes room, the smaller let go of the tallers hand. "lay down". drew scolded, the other obeyed and laid down on his bed watching his boyfriend pull out pills, "take these, it'll help". the shorter brought out two pills, passing them to the blonde, he swallowed them, he then smirked at his lover, making drew blush a bit "come heree". he held out his arms like a toddler wanting a hug, making drew chuckle "jake, you're sick i cant or ill get sick". the taller made puppy eyes "so? please drew". the other boy sighed then got in the blondes bed, the blonde smiled brightly wrapping his arms around the other

the shorter started running his hands through the the tallers hair, feeling the other melt at the contact "dont stop...". jake mumbles tiredly making the other hum gently in question "hm?". "your fingers in my hair," the taller says "it feels really nice". the smaller smiled, he soon heard soft snores coming from the blonde making drew giggle a bit, drew quickly pecked his forehead, then putting his head in the crook of jakes neck smiling; he slowly closed his eyes, falling in a peaceful sleep.


(sorry if its short)

hellooo!! im sorry for not writing any of ur requests i was to lazy to write lmaoo i have more i have to write haha ill try to write them as soon as possible. sorry if its kinda bad english isnt my first language. anyways i hope u enjoyed the oneshot!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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