A new weapon

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"Uno," the blonde assassin smiled confidently as she placed down a card.

Spectre gritted his teeth and sighed in annoyance as he picked up another card from the deck, making his collection a solid dozen. The one he picked up was a 7, which matched the one his opponent placed. He sighed in relief as it changed the colour in his favour, but didn't stop to think how it would benefit who he was against.

She barely hid her smile as she slammed down the last card and shouted in victory. With an annoyed yell, Spectre swiped the cards off of the table and dropped his head in his hands as they scattered across the floor, knowing that he'd have to clean them up. The victorious sound of his opponents cheerful hums and happy taps on the side of the table rang through his ears as he groaned loudly to drown them out.

"Yelena, Spectre, that's enough," Blackout barked as he walked into the room, wanting to stop the parading noises he heard.

"I won," she told him, pushing herself up off the floor to follow Blackout, "I kicked spectres ass."

He stopped suddenly, turned harshly. She stopped in front of him and laughed in confusion at his quick movement, which only annoyed him more.

"I don't give a shit that you beat him in a child's game," he scoffed, "we need to stay focused so we don't fuck this up again."

"Are we leaving?" Her eyes glistened with hope.

"No. We wait until the right time to strike," he told Yelena as well as Spectre who had lifted his head up to listen to the conversation.

"Why can't we strike now? Spectre told you how many were there tonight, we can get so many of them. Dr Strange, the Maximoff girl, y/n. Everyone who's a threat to us is there. Come on, Blackout, please," she tried to convince him, "we can do this."

"No," he bluntly told her.

She whined, "why?"

"Because I told you no."

She hated that excuse. Without saying anything, Yelena raised a hand and struck it down onto the thinnest piece of fabric on Blackouts mask. She knew she couldn't properly attack him while he had his suit on, but she knew her slap hurt by the way he slowly turned back to her.

Then, suddenly, he charged for her. But his hands couldn't get a good enough grip around her neck before another member of their team entered the room with a booming shout. Even though Blackout tried to attack her, Yelena produced a sadistic laugh as she watched him retreat.

"That's enough," John shouted, "we're with each other not against."

With an annoyed sigh, Blackout looked at Yelena through his blacked out mask, "I want them dead as much as you do. Especially y/n, but I-,"

"Alive," she interrupted him.

She couldn't see, but she knew he had a confused look on his face, "what?"

"The boss wants her alive," she reminded him, hiding the fact that she also wanted y/n alive for other reasons, "so we take her... alive."

He looked around the room, "is the boss here? No, so why don't you stay the fuck out of this? If I want her dead, she's dead."

Yelena laughed obnoxiously, "like you could kill her."

When Blackouts eyes stared through his mask at Yelena, John stood forward and shook his head in disappointed, "while you were in here playing card games," he looked at Yelena, then to blackout, "and standing around with your dick in your hand waiting for the boss to arrive, I found someone. Someone who can help us."

"You did not find me, Mr Walker, I was programmed to search for you," a monotone voice explained as a large structure stepped out of the shadows.

No one else in the room knew who the build was apart from Blackout. Under his mask, his lips parted and brows furrowed in confusion.

"The Vision?" He questioned, wondering why his whole body was white rather than the usual red and green.

Just as Vision was about to answer, another man stepped out in front of him. The man was rather short, slim, and frail. Weak looking. He was old, and it seemed as though the only thing protecting him was the robot that stood behind him.

"I found him aimlessly wandering around the Sokovian burial grounds. It only took a few weeks for me to programme him to obey to this little device right here," when he saw the group tense up, he recoiled the device, "which is only programmed to my DNA. Without me, The Vision shuts down."

With an impatient sigh, Yelena asked, "what do you want?"

When his eyebrow twitched and a smirk kicked up on his lips, Blackout instantly fired the closest weapon he had at him, the bullet instantly piercing his skin before anyone could see it fly. With a hole in his chest, the man dropped to the floor, letting out a string of desperate grumbles and incoherent begs.

John Walker instantly rushed to his side and held his fingers against his neck, giving it merely moments to confirm that the life was drained out of him, before taking his fingers away. He stood up with anger on his face and harsh intentions in his rolled up fists.

"He's dead," he told them, "why the fuck did you do that, are you crazy?"

Blackout simply explained, "you dumb fucks were giving him too much time to talk. He was just about to blackmail us, any of you pick up on that?"

"So you just killed him?" John asked.

"I did what no one else was smart enough to do," he replied as he eerily stepped closer.

"God, you're one self-righteous piece of shit, aren't you?" He huffed.

"Says the one who spent a week playing Captain America until he went fucking crazy," he fired back.

"Guys," Spectre called, "the robot isn't working anymore."

They all turned to see The Vision with his head low, lights off, and all forms of bodily movements on pause. Everyone heard blackout sigh under his mask, and everyone turned to look at him.

Yelena stepped forward, "really smart of you, Blackout. To kill the only person who has access to something we could've used against our enemies."

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