Video games

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When the team couldn't find anything else to entertain themselves with, they decided to do the one thing they never thought they'd resort to: play video games.

They'd positioned two televisions on the floor either side of the room with a set of bean bags in front of each of them. Bucky and Sam paired up and shared a controller, while Y/n and Wanda did the same. The couples had their backs to each other to avoid seeing what the other was doing, even though there was no initial competition set for them.

They did play in a game where they had to design their own cars and complete a race, a race which y/n very easily won. After that, they roamed around, exploring the map for a while as they spoke to each other. Bucky was upset about the race, since he is a very competitive person, while Sam had to keep reminding him that it was okay.

"Stay cool, man, it doesn't matter," Sam whispered to him after hearing him sigh in disappointment.

"It does matter, Sam! I cant let her beat me, we placed bets on this," he told him.

Sam shook his head, "no, we didn't. Y/n, did we put bets on this?"

"Nope," y/n casually called back, totally unfazed by the competitiveness, "he's probably just saying that so you'll care about it more and support his competitive nature. Wanda's done that trick before."

"Hey, you played along after I did that though," her girlfriend quickly turned to her after hearing that.

"I know, it was nice seeing you get so riled up over something so stupid," she softly smiled.

When Wanda playfully hit her on the arm, she kept her smile and remained being the one to hold the controller and drive rather smoothly on the game while Wanda watched. Although they did take turns during the evening, Wanda preferred y/n told hold it and to watch instead because she loved how concentrated y/n got.

However, even after the race when both couples were just driving freely around the map, Bucky kept purposefully bumping his car into the rear end of the girls' car. It didn't annoy y/n because she knew it was just him being petty and a sore loser, but Wanda didn't like how he was damaging their car after she'd spent so long customising it.

"Bucky, stop driving into our car!" Wanda perched up to yell at him.

"I'm not doing anything!" He lied, squealing back in the same high pitched tone.

"It's alright, Wanda, I'll just drive away, he won't be able to catch up to me," y/n assured her.

"He's doing it on purpose, y/n," she whined.

Y/n took a hand off of her controller to hold the side of Wanda's face, "don't worry, my love, I'll drive away."

The moment she looked back at the screen and saw Bucky's car, once again, driving after them, she turned quickly to the boys and flashed red in her eyes.


Y/n caught a glimpse of Sam desperately trying to contain his laughter while Bucky's laugh was overcome by a sense of fear. Her hand subtly grabbed Wanda's wrist so she wouldn't lunge out of her seat and charge for Bucky in a heat of fury.

"It's okay, Wanda, I'll get him to stop," y/n assured her lovingly before turning to the boys, a laugh of her own fighting its way from showing, "Bucky, come on. Behave."

"Y/n, I swear I'm just trying to drive normally. I've never played this game before I don't know how to drive properly," he tried to explain but she knew it was a lie. Wanda had turned around at this point, so y/n just gave him one of those stern looks where it was clear she was holding back her own laugh. With a nod, he held up his hands, "alright, alright, I'll drive better."

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