Part 1

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Peter's POV:

I was upset and stressed.

I was stressed over being the golden child of the family. I remember a little while back I tried being horrid like my brother, Henry, but that flunked, and besides I was just trying to get mum and dads attention because I was jealous of the attention Henry got, albeit negative.

But oddly enough, it felt, kinda good. Being horrid, I mean. I really wanted to try the being horrid thing again, and maybe get better at it, even I'll admit I kinda did suck at it, and everything I did, Henry was blamed for. Mum and dad never believed me or him when we said I was being horrid, Henry believed me, but he just made fun of me. I don't even think he'd want me to be horrid anyway considering I'm supposed to be the "perfect golden child" of the family. I just needed some way to convince Henry to help me become horrid like him.

But you're not supposed to be horrid, you're made to be good!

You should be horrid, it'll be great!

I couldn't take it; I was going horrid again. This time, for real. I'm not going back.

Just how? I needed to get Henry's help. He was an expert on it. 

I just sat on my bed with a small notebook, scribbling out my plan.

"Ugh... none of this would work." I mumbled.

"Henry, Peter! Dinners ready!"

I sighed. "Coming mum!" My voiced cracked, like I was about to cry. Deep breaths.

I heard Henry laughing. "Did your voice just crack?"

"Shut it, Henry." I said, getting out of bed and walking past him.

"What's got you all angry?"

I just sighed. "I- I'll tell you after dinner." I speed to the kitchen to avoid anything else from the conversation.

Henry's POV:

He quickly walked away. "Ok...?" I was so confused, and now kinda scared. Was he ok? Did something happen. He's never usually like this so I was a little concerned.

After dinner he walked back to his room, I followed him.

"Ok, what's going on?" I asked. "You never act like this. You didn't even say much during dinner!"

"I know."

"Then are you alright?"

He sighed. "I know this is going to sound, probably very stupid to you and completely out of character by my standers but... Can you teach me how to be horrid, like you?"

"Are you serious? No way, besides, remember last time you pulled the horrid thing, you sucked."

"Thats why I'm asking you! I hate being the golden child. I can't do this anymore." He was shaking like crazy. He started giggling a little bit. Had Peter... really lost it? Did he finally start cracking? ''Please Henry, you're the only one who can help me at this! I need this!"

I sighed. "Alright... fine. If you want to be horrid THAT badly... I guess I can help you."

"R-really? You will?"


He hugged me. "Thank you, Henry!"

"Heh, no problem..."

Horrid Henry - Putrid Peter (remake)Where stories live. Discover now