Chapter Two: The Breakfast Club

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By the time I peeled my eyes open, the sun was beaming through the blinds. I had no clue what time it was, as my vison was blurry from the dazed and confused state I woke up in most likely due to the amount I'd drank last night.

I looked over to the other side of my bed, only to notice Nat wasn't laying there anymore. "That's shitty." I mumbled to myself. Although put off, this wasn't something that was uncommon in my lifestyle. So I got used to all the guys hitting and running.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I begun the routine of the walk of shame; in my own fucking house. Sad, isn't it? Once completly out of bed, I communited with dread outside my room. A few steps in, a genuine suprise met my eyes in the kitchen. It was Nat; not only was he still here, he was cooking up pancakes. "Morning." He nodded in acknowledgement of my presence. "You woke up just in time. They're just about ready."

"Thank you." I replied. I laughed and shook my head. "I thought you left. I woke up and you weren't there."

Nat turned the dials of the stove until the small blue flame ceased to appear underneath the frying pan. He turned to me with a smirk on his face. "After last night, I sure as hell wasn't going anywhere."

"Well I'm glad to hear that." I bit my lip as he approached me, his hand softly caressing my cheek. The air seeping from my lungs hitched as he slowly leaned closer to my lips. "Let's eat breakfast."

"Mmm I see what you're doing." I told him. He looked quite amused while he pulled away smiling. "You just love getting me all hot and bothered. It entertains you, doesn't it?"

"No comment." He chuckled, and I rolled my eyes. "Eat up Izzie."

I sat down at the kitchen table, running my hands through my hair as they became jittery. Nat joined me soon after, displaying what I'd call a five star fancy feast. Sure, normal people like Nat would call such food simple and easy, but I'd do anything for pancakes as good as this growing up. Most of our breakfasts was micorwave dinners-- most of our meals was the same. It was just how we lived. Mom had to save the money for drugs.

"Mm. These are SO good." I told him with my mouth still half full with the cake. "Thank you Nat. You're..sweet." I swallowed my food upon the mutter of that last word. I could tell something was different about him. He was sure as hell a good lover, not up for debate. But this is the type of man love songs are about.

"Everyone says I make good pancakes." He informed me. "And a woman like you deserves the best now, doesn't she?"

"You are a charmer." I winked at him. "I'm not gonna lie.. I like you. Alot."

"Well I like you too." He replied as he put his hand ontop of my own. We stared into eachothers eyes for a breif moment before our lips locked. We pulled apart soon after, but his hands still remained holding my cheeks. "Well, I think I know what's happening after breakfast."


Nat left intimate kisses on my neck as he began to untie my robe. His free hand wrapped around my waist, pulling our bodies closer together as more of me became completly exposed to him. I couldn't wait for him to touch me.. everywhere again. "Oh Nat.." I softly moaned. He kissed my lips tenderly.

He grinned, returning to kissing on my neck. Everytime he made contact with my skin I became more aroused and I could tell he sensed it. I chewed on my lip while watching his lips move further down. His palm put pressure on my thigh before he began to push it away. Next, his pointer finger slowly rubbed my vagina. "So wet." He whispered in my ear. "You must really want this, huh?"

"So bad." I answered. "I think you do too."

He chuckled a bit, but nodded. At that point, it was game on. His clothles were thrown on the floor in an agressive passion similar to how they were last night. Once he climbed fully on top of me, the anticipation was killing me until he finally entered me.

Once it was over, he cuddled me in a warm embrace, leaving soft kisses on the top of my head. "You're amazing at that." I huffed.

"Mm..thanks." He kissed my lips a few more times and rubbed my leg that was tangled in with his own. "I could tell you were enjoying yourself."

"Yeah." I grinned, still riding high on the passionate moments we'd been sharing. A quiet yawn escaped my mouth while I picked up my phone to check the time. "Ugh.."

"What's wrong?"

"I gotta head to band practice soon." I told him. "And Lauren's pretty strict about showing up on time."

"Oh. I see." He nodded with understanding. "I'd love to come see you guys play sometime, if that's okay with you."

"Yeah. I'd like that."

Nat sat himself up in my bed and began to dress himself. "I'd like to see you again, Izzie."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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