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Sarah looked outside and saw how bad the storm was before Dr. Doppler put on his coat and headed out. She switched the scenery with the turn of a dial, and the scenery changed to a field of flowers. The sky was bright blue.

"Thanks for listening Delbert." Sarah said, and sat down on the chair. "It helps."

He placed a hand over her shoulder as she hung her head. "It's going to be okay." He said. "You'll see."

"I keep dreaming one day I'll open that door, and there he'll be, just the way he was." She opened her locket and a holographic video of Jim as a baby appeared. He crawled and smiled, cooing happily. The image flickered after several years had past. "A smiling, happy little boy, holding a new pet and begging me to let him keep it." She smiled at the locket with a tired look on her face.

Dr. Delbert opened the door to Jim standing by the doorway, and thunder clapped. He had the salamander barely standing at his side.

Sarah gasped aloud, "James Pleiades Hawkins! What are you-?"

Jim helped the salamander inside, and dropped the chest at his side. "Mom, he's hurt bad!" Jim exclaimed, setting him down gently.

The man had a difficult time breathing. "Me chest, lad." Jim pushed it over to him, and the captain plugged in the code. "He'll be comin' soon." The chest opened and he pulled out a package. "Can't let them find this."

"Who's coming?" Jim carefully asked, and the captain pulled him over.

He whispered into Jim's ear. "The cyborg! Beware the cyborg...!" It was his dying breath, and the captain fell limp. Jim held the rounded package in his hand.

"Oh..." Sarah put a hand to her mouth in shock.

Then, the Inn was illuminated by the lights of another ship coming down. Jim put his back against the window, and creaked open the blinds. He could see silhouettes of the crew walking up to the Inn. He noticed there was a girl. She had the pirate crew outfit getup and a pirate hat to go along with it, but he quickly closed the blinds.

"Quick!" He said in a panic. "We gotta go!"

He grabbed his mother's hand and dragged her along with him up the stairs. "I believe I'm with Jim on this one!" Dr. Delbert exclaimed as he moved aside from the blast.

The pirate crew destroyed the Inn, and set the Inn on fire. The girl kicked the door down and she stepped inside with the gun at her side. "It's gotta be here!" The girl shouted at the crew. "Find it!"

The crew shouted amongst themselves, wrecking the Inn as they continued to search.

She looked down at the ground and clicked her tongue. She shook her head as she saw the captain of the ship she and her crew were after dead on the floor. The chest was empty, and she scowled.

"I'm not leaving until we find that map!" She shouted at the crew.

"You heard the lady!"


*(Y/n)'s POV*

I kind of envisioned this for (Y/n)'s pirate getup. Obviously, Jim couldn't see what it was like through the silhouettes the night before, so this is currently what (Y/n) is wearing. BUT if you guys have other photos, or ideas, feel free to describe your pirate outfit!

 BUT if you guys have other photos, or ideas, feel free to describe your pirate outfit!

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After a whole night of searching with no luck, we aboard the RLS Legacy the day after. I was helping "Dad" AKA John Silver down below the deck and prepping food for later tonight. Dad made me wear an apron, and I could hear the teasing from up above from our crew.

I scowled and chopped some vegetables on the cutting board. I was aggressive with the knife, and quite frankly scaring Morph. I looked at Morph on my shoulder who was hiding behind me and had a scared look on his face. "I'm sorry, buddy." I said, patting his head. He chittered to me happily, and I sighed, looking at Dad. "Why do I have to do this?"

"Because (Y/n), for the billionth time, you have to stay in character. Which means, while on paper, you are my daughter, you have to play the role of a daughter." Dad said. "And the role of a daughter's chef."

"Do I have to have a cool looking cybernetic leg to match with yours?" I smirked, and Morph also snickered at my comment.

Dad rolled his eyes. Ever since he got me out of the orphanage, he was treating me like I was my own person. I had the free will to decide what path I wanted to take...Until he told me about the legend.

"Mr. and Miss Silver?" Mr. Arrow called out to us and Dad stopped whistling. We turned to face Mr. Arrow with two others on board. He was standing next to a dog and a boy my age.

I slapped the knife down on the cutting board chopped the vegetable aggressively. "Why, Mr. Arrow, sir!" Dad exclaimed, wiping his hands clean with the apron. "Bringin' in such fine and distinguished gents to grace my humble galley." I elbowed Dad in embarrassment.

"Dad..." I grumbled.

"Sorry, our humble galley." He corrected himself, but that wasn't what I meant. "Had I known, I'd have tucked in me shirt." He chuckled to himself and I noticed the boy glancing at my Dad's leg and other cybernetic parts. "This is my daughter, (Y/n). Go on, dear, say hello to our guests."

He pushed me forward and I was surprised. "Hello." I managed to say.

The boy just wouldn't stop staring at my Dad.

"May I introduce Dr. Doppler, the financier of our voyage." Mr. Arrow said, pushing the dog forward.

Dad's eye opened and a laser popped out at him. "Love the outfit, Doc." He said, and I snickered.

"Well, thank you." Dr. Doppler said. "Uhm, love the eye..." He looked over to the boy and pushed him forward, almost knocking him into me.

We bumped anyways into each other, and we glared at each other. We backed away in disgust.

"Uh, this young lad is Jim Hawkins." Dr. Doppler said.

"Jimbo!" Dad rushed in front of me and held out his hand that had tools out.

"Dad!" I said.

"Oh, right." He said, and then his tools switched to a normal hand. I saw the look on Jim's face and he was terrified.

Jim exchanged a look between me and my Dad and glared at us. "What's your deal?" I asked him.

"What's yours?" Jim growled.

"Now, now, (Y/n)." Dad pushed me back to my station gently. "Don't be too put off by this hunk of hardware. Hand me those shrimp over there, dear."

"Yes, sir." I said, and plopped for pieces of shrimp in front of him. I walked away, and Jim watched Dad chop them up with the tools from his hand. Dad couldn't stop humming as he chopped them up. I almost had a heart attack when he slammed the knife down on his hand, and it disappeared. "Dad!"

"Almost got you too, again, dear." Dad said, and I glared at him. He turned to Jim and Dr. Doppler whose expressions were priceless. "These gears have been tough getting used to, but they do come in mighty handy from time to time. I just let (Y/n) chop up what I need and I do the rest."

He put the pan over his hand and a torch set the thing on fire to boil it, and he set it in a pot in the middle. He seasoned the stew, and handed me the spoon to taste test it. I looked at him with my face twisted in disgust.

Dad shrugged and took a taste.

"Here, now, have a taste of me famous bonzabeast stew!" He said, happily, and pulled out two bowls. He plopped the stew into each of them, and handed it to Dr. Doppler and Jim.

Jim looked at me and I shrugged. This was where I agreed with him. "I'd steer clear on everything else. The broth is pretty good though." I whispered to him.

Dr. Doppler took a huge whiff of the stew, and dipped his tongue into the bowl. "Mmm!" He said, "Delightfully tangy, yet robust."

"Old family recipe." Dad said, and I watched his bowl pop an eye out.

Dr. Doppler yelped in surprise, and I put a hand over my mouth.

"In fact, that was part of the old family!"

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