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*Jim's POV*

I pushed the boat away from the three of us when I recovered. I rubbed the back of my neck and grumbled in pain. "Oh, my goodness." Dr. Doppler panted. "That was more fun than I ever want to have again."

Captain Amelia chuckled to herself as she tried to stand up. "That's not one of my gossamer landings." She said, and then wobbled over.

She clutched at her side and fell over and we ran to aid her. "Captain!"

Strands of her hair fell around her face, and we grabbed an arm to help her up. "Oh, don't fuss." She said, waving my hand away. I still kept my hands up just in case she fell forward, but she fell back into Dr. Doppler's. "Slight bruising. That's all." She brushed her hair back. "Cup of tea, and I'll be right as rain." She glanced at Dr. Doppler, and squinted her eyes to do a double take. "Mr. Hawkins? The map, if you please."

I put a hand over my arm, and dug out the map from my pocket. "Ah..." I said, and then the map started to float from my hand. Morph turned back to a blob and he was giggling. "Morph! Morph, where's the map?"

Morph transformed into a barrel of ropes and a mini version of the sphere, and had it tossed inside. Then, he crawled out underneath to transform into the shape of (Y/n) who was on the ground beside the rope.

"Are you serious?!" I growled. "It's back on the ship with her?!"

I tried to grab at Morph who flew away from me and I snarled some more as he giggled. "Stifle that blob and get low." Captain Amelia said in a hushed tone. "We've got company."

I grabbed Morph and put him in both my hands.

We hid behind the boat, and stayed low as possible as the boat above us flew past. Captain Amelia turned to us with the gun at her side. "We need a more defensible position. Mr. Hawkins, scout ahead." She handed me a pistol, and I tucked it behind my jeans.

"Aye, Captain," I responded.

She started to walk forward, and Dr. Doppler caught her. "Steady, steady." He soothed, and it reminded me of how I was when I pulled (Y/n) from the side of the ship. "Now, let's have a look at that." I frowned, and walked away from them.

I walked through the forest of mushroom-shaped trees with Morph making small sounds. "I still can't believe (Y/n) deceived me like that." I said to Morph quietly, as I hopped over a branch. Morph just chattered quietly in response. "And now she wants to tell me she's an orphan and still has feelings for me? I don't buy it."

I heard rustling sounds behind me, and I shushed Morph who chittered some more. "Shh..." I held up a finger. "Shh..." I grabbed the pistol behind my back and turned slowly.

I nearly lost half of my life span when a robot appeared out of nowhere. We started to scream in fear. He tackled me to the ground. "Oh, this is fantastic!" He exclaimed happily. He poked at my face and I yelped. "A carbon-based life form come to rescue me at last!" I turned over to get back up. "I just want to hug you and squeeze you and hold you close to me!"

"All right, okay." I said, trying to pry him off but he just attached himself to me. "Would you just let go of me?"

"Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry." He said, "That's right, the only person who could do that is your lover."

"My lover?!" I blushed. "She is not my-!" Everything became awkwardly quiet, and I looked away. "You don't know who you're talking about."

"Anyways, it's just I've been marooned for so long." The robot said, wrapping his metallic arm around my shoulder. "I mean, solitude's fun. Don't get me wrong. For heaven's sakes, after a hundred years, you go a little nuts!" He gave out a hearty laugh, and his eyes nearly popped out of his face. "I'm sorry." He said, stepping back a little. "Am I...I am...My name is, uh..."

I looked over to Morph who had transformed into a tinier version of him, with a bird popping out of his head. I smiled at Morph who made a cuckooing sound. I bopped his head and he transformed back into a blob and I glared back at the robot.

"B.E.N!" He shouted. "Of course, I'm B.E.N. Bioelectronic Navigator. Oops." His compass popped out of his chest, and he pushed it back in place. "And you are?"


He shook my hand erratically. "Oh! What a pleasure to meet you, Jimmy."

"It's Jim." I corrected him.

"Anyway!" He ignored me. "Tell me about that girl you love. Oh, I am just dying to know!"

I swooped down from underneath him to just pass by him. "Look, I'm kind of in a hurry." I said, putting the pistol in the back of my jeans. "I got to find a place to hide, and there's a crazy girl with pirates chasing me."

"Oh! Your lover's a crazy girl, huh? With pirates?! Don't get me started on pirates!" He walked in front of me, and I glared at him. "I don't like them. I remember Captain Flint." I walked away and stopped when I heard the name. "This guy had such a temper."

"Wait, wait, wait." I said, walking back to him. "You knew Captain Flint?"

"I think he suffered from mood swings, personally." B.E.N said, sitting down on a rock. "I'm not a therapist, and anyway, but I...You let me know when I'm rambling!"

I looked away, "But that means...But wait. But then you gotta know about the treasure?"


"Yeah, Flint's trove? You know, loot of a thousand worlds?"

"It's, well...it's all a little...little...little fuzzy." B.E.N said as he lagged. "Wait. I- I remember. I do. I...Treasure!" His eyes changed to a picture of the treasure with gold inside. "Lots of treasure buried in the centroid..." His voice started to change on me and I was taken aback. "Centroid...Centroid of the mechanism!" B.E.N didn't make any sense to me. "And there was this big door opening and closing," The compass was popping in and back out several times. "Opening and closing." He started to shut down, but whirred back up again. "And Captain Flint wanted to make sure nobody could ever go to his treasure, so I helped him." B.E.N sputtered, and bits of electricity flew off his head. "Aah! Data inaccessible! Reboot! REBOOT."

"B.E.N?" I called out to him as he went haywire. "B.E.N? B.E.N!"

I went to slap him across the face to wake him up.

"REBOOT-!" He returned back to normal. "And you are?"

I waved my hands in exasperation. "Wait, wait, wait!" I said. "What about the treasure?"

"I want to say Larry." B.E.N said.

"The centroid of the mechanism, or..."

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "My memory isn't what it used to be. I've lost my mind!" He chuckled in a crazy way. "I've lost my mind. You haven't found it, have you?" He pushed me against the tree and started to pat me down. "My missing piece? My primary memory circuit?" He turned around to point at the back of his head full of wires.

I sighed, and turned around to face him. "Look, B.E.N, I really need to find a place to hide, okay?" I said calmly. "So, I'm just gonna be, you know, moving on."

"Oh, uh..." B.E.N said, "So, well, then...I guess this is...good-bye, huh? I'm sorry that I'm so dysfunctional." He crumpled to the ground and I stopped in place to turn to look at him. "So, uh, go ahead...and I do understand. I do. Bye-bye."

I exchanged a look with Morph who whined a little bit in empathy. I sighed. "Look, if you're gonna come along, you're gonna have to stop talking." I said, and he changed personality in a flash.

"Huzzah!" B.E.N said, "Haha!" He whirled around and hurried over to me. "Oh, this is fantastic!" He leaped into my arms. "Me and my best buddy out lookin' for a girl-" He pulled my head towards him and I just gave him the look. He cleared his throat. "Being quiet..."

"And you have to stop touching me." I said, and he jumped out of my arms.

"Touching and talking." B.E.N chuckled nervously. "That's my two big no-no's."

"Okay." I said. "Now, I think that we should head..."

B.E.N grabbed my arm. "Say, listen," he interrupted. "Before we go out on our big search, uhm, would you mind if we made a quick pit stop at my place?" He pulled aside some pipe vines and I looked ahead to a perfect hideout. "Kind of urgent."

"B.E.N, I think you just solved my problem."

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